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Karyme Kummz
Karyme Kummz

Karyme Kummz

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Über Karyme Kummz
I am Karyme, (Kuh-ree-may)I am a submissive dick crazed 30-year-old Hispanic female that you wish was yours (5ft9in 175) I speak four and a half languages and i am addicted to sucking cock and I want to give eating pussy a try. I love to be trated like a woman, serve my man and be treated like the whore that I am. He is Brad, (6ft6in 265) The Quintessential Texan. He is a tall strong dominant 35-year-old white male. We cannot keep our hands off each other but are looking for swaps FFM thresomes, mmf threesomes ( no MM contact) video partners and so on for us and maybe a gang bang or blow bang for me. I don't care how great you think your cock is and i am not interested in re-affirming or enabling your fascination with it, nor do i want to tell you how great it is, especially when you come fishing for the complement. We like White, Asian, and Hispanic, men and women. We like Black Girls and rarely black men. We do not use SOCIAL MEDIA of ANY KIND
Beziehungsstatus: Offen
Interessiert an: Männer und Frauen
Stadt und Land: North Texas, United States
Geschlecht: Paar
Geburtsort: United States of America
Maße: 37-34-46
Größe: 5' 7" (170cm)
Gewicht: 172lbs. (78kg)
Ethnie: Latin
Haarfarbe: Brunette
Falsche Brüste: Nein
Tattoos: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Interessen und Hobbies: History, WW2 History, Military History, Creative Writing, travel, Gardening, raising animals to consume their flesh(that should weed out the vegans) country living, theater, cooking, eating, drinking and general merriment, letter writing, movies and films, reading(anything we can get our hands on) boating, horses, fishing, camping, self reliance, Christmas(yes were those people) sewing, and knitting (we're dorks i know, but were still sexual deviants)
Anturner: Sluts, Whores, Skanks, Tramps, Sucking Cock, Swinging, Threesomes, Foursomes, Fivesomes,...You get the idea...Light bondage and BDSM, DOM/SUB, Strong Men, Rimjobs, roleplay, Kumm, cock slapping, face slapping, spanking, spitting. Men who act like men and women who act like women
Abturner: Hood/street talk, excessively bad grammar, Prudes, piss, , Men under 6ft 180ish, Weak men, Cucks, Trannys, Gay or bi men (men should be MEN) Anal Penetration, Men who brag too much. Women who act or look manish, hipsters, grown men who play video games and watch cartoons.
Video-Ansichten: 115.709
Profilansichten: 143.968
Angesehene Videos: 11.379


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Guys pay close attention and ladies let me know if I speak the truth.   My Husband and I have been a part of this community for almost now and we LOVE it. We consider ourselves to be an attractive couple, but there are some men and women on this site that are breathtaking and belong in professional porn and modeling. We like this community because despite our averageness, there is always somebody who appreciates our content and sexuality.  Thats extremely flattering and a bit of a confidence boost.   However, we recently published a video that has received a very positive response but wasnt shot in a way that wasnt very flattering to to my husbands very average size dick [even though I have seen much smaller on this site] Since he is too much of a man to get into a silly pissing contest and say anything. I will.    Mixed in with the overwhelmingly positive response, there have been a few comments along the lines of; Duuuhh my cock is so much bigger Deeerrrrrrrrrrr you deserve a bigger cock  Lets set aside the obvious rudeness that doesnt belong in this wonderful community and I will clue you in on what REALLY turns women on and gets them off HARD. Pleasing a woman is as simple as TURNING HER ON to begin with.  Penis size means little to nothing, all you need to make a woman squeal and act like your personal whore is:   MANLINESS!!!!!!!!   Its a long and complicated subject I know, but, manliness consists of 4 main categories:   CONFIDENCE: This one is obvious. The first time I saw my husband I found him to be somewhat good looking, but he was surrounded by about some half a dozen women who most men would consider to be out of their league.  I joined the group and introduced myself, much to the dismay of the other girls. We were in a popular country bar [this is Texas] and I was irritated when one of the girls in the group grabbed him while WE were talking, and said, breaks over and he preceded to take her out on the floor and twirl her around like a little rag doll while she giggled from start to finish.  Between the strutting, the dancing, the happy girl, the confidence in his movement, his 6foot6 broad shouldered frame, the hat, the boots and the tight jeans[I grew up in Chicago] my pussy instantly gushed at the sexiest thing I have ever seen before or since, and a grown man[my 19th birthday was the week before] who was good looking in a very average way and had a bit of a belly instantly became the hottest guy in the building.  I wanted to go next and as I started to approach, one of the other girls said I had to wait my turn.  I watched, as these women who could have had any guy in the bar waited in a SINGLE FILE LINE for their turn to dance with my future husband. I even saw two sisters get into a little shoving match over their place in line. This went on ALL NIGHT! The poor bastard barely ever got a break before some greedy little bitch would grab him.  Yet, when he did have a bit of a break, he had this way, of making myself and the other 5-7 girls feel like she was the only one he was paying any attention to.  THAT gentleman [I use that term sparingly] is confidence.  Confidence is NOT randomly telling women how big or how hard your dick is.  Its not telling them how hard youre going to fuck them. Its not telling them that yours is better, bigger or mightier.  Its not telling them anything. Its showing them it is weather it is or not, regardless looks, actual size, body type etc. Comments like oooh girl ima fuck you so hard or deerrrrrrrr check out my dick might work from time to time in a shear numbers game, even a broken clock is right twice a day, but it really wont get you anywhere beyond trolling the internet for what ever pussy you can get. A real man does not need to get lucky or get laid The game you think you have doesnt mean ! Actions and behavior speak louder than words.   FINANCIAL RESPOSIBILTY.  Most men and women see this aspect of manliness as being measured in just earning power and net worth alone.  Most women dont care how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or how big your house is.  When we first started dating my husband drove a diesel truck, now he drives the same 23yr old diesel truck.  It irritated me at first, but I have come to realize we have saved tens of thousands of dollars over the short decade we have been married.  Because of his foresight and financial prowess, he paid off our first house in , flipped it, wrote a check for our second, flipped that and put a large down payment on a ranch and will probably have that paid off in . He did all that on less than 75k a year, and we only made about 30k when we first met, and in a small way this turns me on and gets me off too. However, its not just about money.  The ability to provide goes far beyond that.  My husband can fix our car, our house, raise cattle, grow food, hunt, cook [he is trained as a chef] trade stocks, fix the computer, render first aide, and is prepared for ANYTHING always.  Once when we were dating, I saw him, all in an 8 hour timeframe, prepare us a gourmet picnic, siphon gas from our car to help a stranded motorist, with a hose he pulled out of nowhere, all while cooing her in the backseat, we stopped for wine and while he chose a three bottle pairing for the picnic, then fixed my shoe, bandaged my toe and complemented my pedicure, after I stumbled in the parking lot.  Then, while having the picnic, he spotted a couple 50 yards away who forgot a cork screw and gave them ours.  I asked him why he was giving our stuff away. He said he did that because he had impulse bought a cheap 99cent one weeks before on the off chance he might like to take me for a picnic and someone else might need it. I found out years later, he was also carrying my engagement ring, and had intended to propose but hadnt because he thought the day was a crapshoot. I thought it was one of our best of countless adventures. The abilities of a man to make sure his loved ones are provided for in every way shape and form, all the while being generous of his time and effort with perfect strangers is what makes a REAL provider! He calls it being a renaissance man and a mans man all at once.  I call it FUCKING SEXY. It gets me wet, as strange as it may sound to you guys out there, and Im willing to bet is a big turn on for other women. Men who tell you all about their truck, bank account, house, the stuff they can buy you dont carry any weight with any woman.     FATHERHOOD.  I will only briefly say that any man who can be kind and useful to , old people, and animals weather he is a father himself or not is a huge turn on and will make the hottest girl want to suck off the most average of men.  I once SUCKED his COCK in a service hallway at the mall, all because, being the old-fashioned guy, he is, gave away his pocket handkerchief, without the grimace or roll of the eyes most would display, to this woman that had nothing handy to wipe the snot and ice cream off the face of her screaming .  This type of thing appeals to a womans baser instincts and will get a guy some nookie long before whipping out your dick, talking about it, bragging, or sending a pic, no matter how magnificent you might think it is.     SEXUAL PROWESS. Now we get into the meat and potatoes of it.  None of the other things I discussed above mean a fucking thing if you cant back them up in the bedroom. And that doesnt mean what you think. Your dick or the size thereof means precious little, it is only the instrument. You fuck and please a woman with your mind.  You only use your dick to put into words what your mind is thinking [if that makes any sense] Your dick is the pen, the woman is the paper, but its YOU who is the writer.  The other stuff will get you in the door and if you just play the numbers I guess dick size will do it from time to time.  But to make your bitch squeal you only need to know what buttons to push and make her body respond.  You might have a big dick and be able to do this, but dont lie to yourself and think that its the size thats getting her off. My husband may only sport 6 to 6.5 inches fully erect, but boy oh boy can he use it, and use it indefinitely.  Time and energy permitting he can go longer than I can without even comming close to blowing his load. I NEVER leave the bedroom without at least 3 orgasms on a bad day. Somedays, I even must ask him to blow his load when I just cant fuck and suck anymore.  And I wont even get into what he can do with his tongue and fingers. I tell you, I was sexually active as a teenager, and my husband and I enjoy a bit of an open marriage.  The women he is with ALWAYS come back begging for more. We both enjoy the promiscuity and Varity. The men Im with, some good, some bad, some big, some not, never quite add up, so I usually must get my husband to get me off when all is said and done. Point being, no matter how big your dick might be, its just one tool in your toolbox, its useless if you cant tune yourself to a womans body, likes and dislikes, and fuck her with your mind.     So, GUYS, if you cant display at least a modicum of these skills, qualities and talents in most of, if not ALL your interactions with the opposite sex you have no hope of ever pleasing a woman. Talking about it, showing it off, especially when nobody asked to see it will get you nowhere.  Any MAN who needs to shake it around, fish for complements, or run his mouth about how much better he is or how good he can fuck me, is nothing but a sissy punk BITCH.  Hes really no MAN at all. And I only FUCK MEN.  Myself, and most women would rather have a real man with an average cock who knows how to use it than a douchebag poser with a monster cock.     The moral of the story:   If you were half the man my husband is, or half the man you think you would have YOUR COCK in my mouth too. Think about that next time you want to post a comment, pic, video or just run your jealous mouth.   Now all, this might read to some as a tribute to my husband. Its not. I only used a few stories to illustrate my point.
  • 367
Vor 1 Monat
si asi besas una de 10cm, no me quiero imaginar con una de 18
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Vor 3 Jahren
This is all fine and dandy but I want to put my cock in your mouth though.
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Vor 4 Jahren
True word
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Vor 4 Jahren
You nailed it girl!
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Vor 4 Jahren
You and your Husband are both awesome, ignore the idiots with the negative comments that they make. They are only showing their immaturity. They really want to be invited to eat your husband's cum out of your pretty delicious holes, they just don't know how to ask. I know that I wouldn't hesitate to do so. No creampie would be wasted either. Lol
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Vor 4 Jahren
Karyme I think you have not only said what most women think and feel you have also made some men feel better too, I hear and have also seen that many of these with more than their fair share have trouble staying hard and you may have seen this for yourself and are often seen trying to get a limp job in to a not very happy pussy.
  • 1
Vor 4 Jahren
Karyme you speak the truth....thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts into totally agree with you.
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Vor 4 Jahren
way to tell em all!
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Vor 5 Jahren
@Hotwife Sarah Thank you for taking the time to read it. I’m glad you enjoyed it
  • 2
Vor 5 Jahren
@Lupita Wild I’m so glad you liked it
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Ava Carter
Vor 5 Jahren
👍🆙 💯 !!
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Vor 5 Jahren
Well put! you are an amazing woman, and I thank you for speaking loud, and clear for all the real women out there like yourself, and speaking about the real men like your husband. If I was your husband I would be more than proud to have you speak about me with such honor, and I am sure he is. This world would be much better if there was more women like you.
  • 2
Vor 5 Jahren
well put..338
  • 0
Vor 5 Jahren
Don't sweat it dudes are just jealous you aren't sucking their cock. The net is just full of trolls.
  • 1
Vor 5 Jahren
Cock size is nothing ,unless you have a small finger down there... Love the way you show your respect and love for your partner,but i would love so hard to have my cock inside your mouth... sorry but i had to say!
  • 1
Vor 5 Jahren
Well said
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Vor 5 Jahren
@Unknown I’m glad you enjoyed it sweetie, thanks for your support
  • 2
Vor 5 Jahren
I’m glad you enjoyed it, thanks for your support
  • 1
Vor 5 Jahren
wow You right!
  • 1
Vor 5 Jahren
@Unknown I see. Lol I feel like I’m a hundred years old sometimes when I can’t keep up with today’s slang
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Vor 5 Jahren
@Unknown glad u like it! Goals?
  • 0
Vor 5 Jahren
Thanks karyme kummz love u big much for that!!!
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Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
@Darkmeet you completely missed the point! Maybe you should consider things further before you wish for and wonder why you don’t have your own woman. Also, while I’m sure my husband would admit he is a very fortunate, as I would admit the same, make no mistake, LUCK has nothing to do with it. He earns me and I earn him. If that makes sense. That’s a part of your problem. Improve yourself and make your own “luck”.
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Vor 5 Jahren
Hey I feel u on everything u said but size do matter that's what I been told but iam not better then u're husband and iam a man who wish he had a beautiful woman like you,so u're husband is lucky!!!
  • 0
Vor 5 Jahren
any guy on here comparing dick sizes needs to log off and get laid. remember, theres one person in the world who sees you as the ugliest person theyve ever encountered. theres also one person who thinks youre the sexiest. beauty. eye. beholder.
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Vor 5 Jahren
@Unknown it sure is
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Vor 5 Jahren
Some men also have one testicle. It’s life.
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Vor 5 Jahren
@Always Massive thank you so much! I appreciate your support! I’m always curious when couples comment on this thread, is this him or her?
  • 0
Vor 5 Jahren
Probably the best thing I've read on PH ever!
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Vor 6 Jahren
This is great never been one to think twice about being “endowed “ enough for some chick but for the guys who do this is spot on. It’s absolutely nothing you can do about it
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@Karyme Kummz I love it it turns me on
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Karyme Kummz that is so fucking hot
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Kitty claws you I like you too
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
I like you!!! 🙂 
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
add me then 
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Vor 6 Jahren
There are always going to be those idiot guys with bigger dicks who think they are better or just want to talk about what they have. I've had several try to pull that with me. It's nothing but talk. I've had a shit ton of sex partners in my day and not a single one of them have ever been disappointed. The problem with these egotistic fucks are they can't even please a woman even with their big dicks. I've had several tell me how no guy even with a big dick could ever make them cum till they met
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown thanks sweetie. It’s nice to rant sometimes
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Great post! Just enjoy pornhub! No hate!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Some people are petty assholes. You two are great!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Mrs32G now that u mention it that’s absolutely right!
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Vor 6 Jahren
I haven’t come across many that are cool. @Unknown
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
RIGHT. Almost all of the “men” on this sight are such desperate fucking losers!! @Unknown
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Thank you sweetie
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Thank you sweetie!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Wonderfully said! A huge dick is not the key to my sexual desires. A MAN is what makes this pussy gush... -Mel
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
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Vor 6 Jahren
@blackrussian86 I’m glad you like it sweetie
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
I love this!
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Vor 6 Jahren
lol my ex lil side chick is half black half puerto rican she said the sex is so passionate with me im like uhh my bad? lmao but ya i agree its all how u use it size dont men shit  except the girls booty needs to big thats the only size i i care about lool
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Well said. 🙂
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Vor 6 Jahren
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
This story is crazy but truthful
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Vor 6 Jahren
@cumtease I don’t do anal. Exit only!
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown I do find it interesting to note that every rude comment we get comes from somebody who either has no Content or if they do have content they don’t have content with a girl, just by themselves. Each to his own I suppose but I thought nothing sadder than a guy posting pictures of himself jerking off. Where is the girl asshole?
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown You’re absolutely right. But it’s not the rude behavior a negative comment that bothers me. I expect that when posting things online. It bothers me that these people actually believe what they’re saying
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
luv this
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Well said honey.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Love this, very well said!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Kudos !!
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown EXACTLY
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
At the end of this account is to share material for adults does not make sense to criticize other people negatively, for example, there are many who boast about their member but in the end they do not have someone to share their material with, I do not judge them but it is annoying when they say negative things in the shared material because one only wants to contribute something positive to the community.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Bravo 🙂
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
I cant thank you enough for this incrdediable post! This is exactly what I've always told my man...We read this together from start to finish and it hit him spot on. He knows and understands completely.. It helped hearing it from someone else. He said this was better than any thing he has read let alone watched here on PornHub. "Better than any video" I love how to the point you are yet very elegantly wrote. Thank you for speaking the truth and explaining how most all women feel.... A true man k
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Porn may Chin to do that. But, amateur porn does not.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown We’re glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your support and thanks for reading
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
Great words and honor to your lucky man! 😉
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
i read the whole thing and all i gatta say is round of applause and so much respect towards you n your housband everything you said waz true without a doubt n only a real woman could love there man like that
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
YES tell 'em Queen
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Glad you liked it sweetie
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
alright lmao.
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown we’re not really going “through” Anything. LOL. It doesn’t really get to either one of us I just felt like ranting and shaming some of these people
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
@1loverof porn, I wouldn’t exactly call it hating, but, but it never ceases to amaze me the level of desperation in these ”men” That are supposedly hung like a horse. If there are that well endowed, why are they needing to troll the Internet
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown I’m guessing you meant self-conscious. But, thank you sweetie
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Wow. I’m sorry you guys are going through this. Don’t let it get to you! More people love you than those who dislike you!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@changozero It’s always worth it to rub it in those losers face!!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Thank you sweetie
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
Brilliantly said and my apologies on behalf of idiot men. Sounds like your both amazingly happy together and I wish you all the best.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown I’m glad you enjoyed it sweetie.
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
What am amazing post, it is well said.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Great read! Well said!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Well said!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Right on
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Vor 6 Jahren
Yeess love please speak this truth every chance you get!! I agree with this soo much. The part where u described your husband made me a little green and I almost cried just imagining a man out there like him. So many men could LEARN from him. I'm happy for u guys and the fact is there are TONSSSS of men (probably half of the trolls on your comments) who have smaller cocks than 6". And THOUSANDS of men with huge thick long throbbing cocks that are good for nothing and can barely use there tool.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown we’re glad you liked it but I wouldn’t hold my breath on lessening some of the idiocy around here
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It’s sad that many men don’t understand or even know these things. Well said, well written and very appropriate post. I applaud it and I hope the idiots that make foolish comments are taking notes!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
You are just wonderful! I love it.
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
I agree with everything that was said in this post.. But what really turned me on what how well it was written. Clear, concise, articulate, no extraneous foul language (I mean we all swear sometimes, but to use "F*&K" twice in every sentence is a turn off). I like your style.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Glad y’all like it
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Very well written, you spoke the truth.
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Vor 6 Jahren
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Vor 6 Jahren
Your 100% right on this
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Well written and very much on point. Master Robert
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Thank you for your insightful comment sweetie. But the point is, not to worry about the size, just use it well, as I’m sure you do and everything will work out great
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
Well said @seanzie thank you for your thoughtful input
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Vor 6 Jahren
A dick of there endowment. The whole Pissing contest of my dick is bigger than yours can stay In . I'm over that shit. Reality is truer than words, ok I don't have the biggest dick, but fuck I can go down on a pussy like it's no one's business. Plus I've learned how to fight with my sword quite well
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
I love this and I agree with this 100 percent and I'm glad someone said something about it!🙂 I'm 5 1/2 to 6. Which ig puts me right at average. Yet if my woman asks to a have a mmf I'm going to say yea. I want that dudes dick to be bigger than mine. Hell ya. But that same dude with the massive dick won't do a mmf. Like there whole lives they've come to believe that they won't ever physically see a dick bigger than there's in person. And they're willing to go through obsticales to not encounter
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@KandenKane It is a big coincidence that with all the men I’ve been with most of them I’d say 80% are pretty average sized, But In the porn hub community every guy has the biggest and the best and is an undiscovered porn star. I’m sure my husband would agree that we are both very fortunate to have found one another but I can assure you luck has nothing to do with it. He earns the slutty mouth every single day
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Vor 6 Jahren
@karymekummz your right 
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Zoningout1 thanks sweetie!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Came here from my feed and I must say from reading this shows how genuine and honest your are. I enjoyed it much respect to you. Haven’t explored your page yet but def worth adding and subscribing to you first
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
i would love my man regardless of the size of his dick and i agree with majority of what you are saying, but i do thankgod my man does have a thick cock because it does make a difference. 
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Yes!!!!!! If I could share this and like over and over I would! Thank you! That BS of my cock is bigger or I can fuck you better gets on my damn nerves!!!
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Absolutely. Well put
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Thanks Oliver that’s the idea
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
i think youre on too something here 
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Vor 6 Jahren
@tango_09  thank you so much sweetie. There’s definitely more to Kumm
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Fantastic words! I let my hubby read this and he totally agreed. We just found your sexy corner and we can't wait to see what cums next!
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Angel0838 How original. How can I resist? You didn’t read the post at all did you
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Vor 6 Jahren
HI I want fuck with you
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Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Well said sweetie. Thanks for reading
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown What in the hell are you talking about? Are those words youre using? I have to say Im not entirely sure. All I took from that is that you foot 4 and weigh 127 pounds
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
@Unknown Well said sweetie. You’re absolutely right.
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Everyone’s always going to have something negative to say, at the end of the day just keep doing what ur doing- people seem to forget that when you log off this website and you’re a person...that you two have a relationship, that’s based on so many other things that have nothing to do with penis size. The men on this website are lonely and horny, and haters gonna hate
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Thanks sweetie. Agreed
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Love your post! And guys who comment like that are boys not men.
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Vor 6 Jahren
@69marriedcouple I’m glad you liked it
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Vor 6 Jahren
I love this post!
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Vor 6 Jahren
I personally love small dick I can suck it so good and I make them cum like a horse
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
Thanks donor, you’re absolutely right. All you have to do is know how to use it in my experience the bigger the cock the less they know, If they can keep it up in the first place for more than 15 or 20 minutes. I appreciate your input
  • 0
Vor 6 Jahren
Thank you so very much fox we appreciate the support and the heartfelt response. I would bet dollars to donuts that you’re absolutely right about those that would throw their comments around
  • 1
Vor 6 Jahren
Well said love!!!
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Vor 6 Jahren
Thank you. You’re right it can
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Vor 6 Jahren
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Vor 6 Jahren
Thank you sweetie. Glad u liked it
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Vor 6 Jahren
Thanks vodka
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Vor 6 Jahren
It’s a deal. Or we could just swap for a day
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Vor 6 Jahren
Thank you buddha!!!
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Vor 6 Jahren
 Jesus woman you make me sound like one of those men  and one of those trashy romance novels with Fabio On the cover. I don’t know what to say
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Vor 6 Jahren
Smexcited. I would agree with 99% of that. Except I don’t think size of breasts or whatever is really the same because it’s not associated with performance the way penis size can be
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Vor 6 Jahren
Tncouple.  I know they do, and it’s to be expected when you put yourself out there with something like this. But I just wasn’t in any kind of mood today. It happens from time to time
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Vor 6 Jahren
Longfellow....Thanks baby but I don’t think it’s a secret, or at least it shouldn’t be. But that’s a subject for another day or another platform. I could go on and on about why most men don’t know these things
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Vor 6 Jahren
Bibibb...thanks!  I have to rent from time to time
  • 2
Vor 6 Jahren
Well written! Also; PREACH ✊
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