Wow what a mess! I apologize.. I am still learning. I am going to leave this public post up for a little bit before I take it down.
First, I am still looking for someone to make content with.. I am exploring something for me! By doing this it opens up a broad range of people and individuals that I may meet, that I would have never of had the chance to meet, without the power of technology and the connection possibilities that it brings us. However, there is a downside to that, and I met a lot of creeps, and really rude people in the process of this exploration as well.. Disgusting ones too.. My god.. Yes, I am still available! It's not going to be easy to win me over. I am not in any rush! It's not just physical.. I like someone with a personality! You're not going to win me over with just your body, but your personality! So please have more to say and offer than most of the behavior that I have been seeing. I want to be treated right. Anyone would.
If I haven't gotten to your messages I apologize. My inbox is flooded and I'm tying to clean up. That was my mistake. I need to redirect some of this traffic. I am Pocket Kitty Please follow that page and communicate with me there! But please also follow Pocket Kitty Entertainment on Facebook as that is the brand! If you are planning on asking me for any new photo's or videos of me, or if you are attempting to "make content with me", before asking me make sure you are following both those pages and you ask me for your request on the Pocket Kitty Facebook page! It will make my life easier.. It'll make your life easier! And things will go so much quicker and smoother! Have a good day!