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Katie Morgan

Katie Morgan

Geburtstag: 1980-03-17
Geburtsort: Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Größe: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
Gewicht: 106 lbs (48 kg)
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Alle Kommentare (70)

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Vor 10 Jahren
top notch wanta try one time myself lol.may surprise all
Vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for be real . Please lose the enplants. You don't need them.
Vor 8 Jahren
I just love her HBO show and the fact that she has made such a success of herself. She has the gift of happiness and cuteness, she makes me laugh and when she tells stories of her very repressed upbringing and shows pictures of herself as a teen in her frumpy cover everything clothes i can still see that joy in her eyes, i would have fallen hard for her If would have met her when we were both .
Vor 10 Jahren
come fuck me for your next Video
Vor 3 Jahren
How much you will to simp for lol be safe guy
Vor 9 Jahren
What a goddess you are Katie
Vor 3 Jahren
Hi love How are we Happy New Years Stay warm Love you dear Remember I said loyal………midnight420friendly 🎉💯🎄🇬🇧🏠 Welcome home love 😈
Vor 3 Jahren
Lol 😂 ttyl be safe love 💕 How’s James
Vor 3 Jahren
Vor 3 Jahren
Wirklich Sexy und Perfekt biste Katie... Dream girl 🙂
Vor 3 Jahren
Katie, you a girl of my very own heart, not only were we both born in 1980 a few months apart, you also share my deep passion and love of Masturbation as well, keep up the great work you do sweetheart, I can't wait to see more of it soon!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Vor 3 Jahren
Sexiest Woman alive.
Vor 4 Jahren
id give anything to have you as my sex toy for a night you are the best and sexiest by farive been a big fan since the begining id be your servant and would do anything u asked of me
Vor 4 Jahren
give a like if you will like seeing Katie Morgan performing as a (lesbian?) Cowgirl (I think her profile is just perfect for that!)
Vor 6 Jahren
You are a Goddess
Vor 9 Jahren
The Shark Tank- is promoting the woodstock 2- event-producing- Steve Burham- hosting-Barrack Obama Dr. Dre- Snoop Dogg- Ricky Freeway Rosay- Gangster Diciples- Posting in 1month- call Interscope- Tellem you heard about it from Vincent Mendoza- to gain free ticket(1)- leave name- must be 18years are older- Field is closed private party guest list- Lets cure hiv- an heal cancer- stars- actors- flim directors- attending- Popcorn an Imax- Sercuity is all around- wrist bands- worn.
Vor 5 Monaten
Katie… message me! Or how do I get ahold of you?
Vor 5 Monaten
Vor 6 Monaten
When can we stay in the body th
Vor 1 Jahr
The exciting Katie Morgan has a great figure with big, firm boobs, an extremely pretty face with great long blonde hair and beautiful legs
Vor 1 Jahr
You have a amazing Body and excellent skills you turn me on. Only thing I'm curious about is any way I would get chance to make video with you. It would be an honor
Vor 1 Jahr
I miss watching u on hbo big fan big crush
Vor 2 Jahren
I feel compelled to have to message you to tell you how much you turn me on, every single one of your videos drives me hard and I cum so hard watching you get fucked that I can't say how much I have Watch your videos they are so beautiful. In any case, never stop!Partager votre avis
Vor 2 Jahren
Please take the time to check out my videos
Vor 2 Jahren
I have been a fan of Katie's work, body, personality, and woman since I was 39, now I'm 69 and she still gets me hard, like when I was younger.I loved her HBO Show, I think Katie would be great at doing instructional videos for young lovers and married people, not the likes you get taught in school or the streets. She has so much fun, damn, if only I could meet her just once before I wither off, lol
Vor 2 Jahren
blonde Katie has a great figure and great udders
Vor 2 Jahren
You look like a lot of fun to hang out with! Gorgeous and sexy AF and the best smile ever! Hope you're doing well! Thanks for being so cool and sexy
Vor 2 Jahren
Love your work you are amazing would love to work with you
Vor 2 Jahren
Are you the same girl from Zack and Miri make a porno?
Vor 2 Jahren
I'd wifey the fuck outta Sarah. We'd be 40+, makin' babies. lol She's the epitome of the fantasy wife. Absolutely gorgeous!!
Vor 3 Jahren
HMU I’m close by
Vor 3 Jahren
Vor 3 Jahren
when i was 11 she was the first porn star i ever seen i got so hard and she still gets it hard
Vor 3 Jahren
Would you be interested in making a pornhub video with me.
Vor 3 Jahren
Found out about her from Seth Rogan movie to find out already watched couple videos of hers
Vor 3 Jahren
Katie Email me love book ya .dick u down. 5k for one session email me
Vor 3 Jahren
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos! 🙂
Vor 4 Jahren
suck my thick cock with balls
Vor 4 Jahren
Does anyone know how to send a private message to Katir morgan? I tried adding her as a friend, but she doesn't have that option for friendship. That is why I would like to know if someone knows her phone number or a social network that is true, since there are other false accounts, and I would like to communicate with her.
Vor 4 Jahren
I would love to fuck her in all of her holes. Damn
Vor 4 Jahren
I just wanted to tell ya I think your amazing,sexy and very beautiful and I hope to see more from ya ,never change and be true to yourself... Love ya beautiful, thanks for a moment of your time...
Vor 4 Jahren
Hello I am interesting you're profile. Tell me please you travel in Ukraine some time or not. I waited you're answer. Have a good day.
Vor 4 Jahren
Advice. Say I'm a solo guy about to start doing webcam work. What would work and bring in viewers? What could make you want to watch? PM me. You are the best!
Vor 4 Jahren
U know if i hear her vioce without seeing her I will think that she is just 15 .thats so sexy. Damn , i just watch two videos of her and i already fall in love with her.
Vor 5 Jahren
You're so sexy and definitely one of the only chicks I'd fuck.
Vor 5 Jahren
Katie Morgan is my favorite pornstar I absolutely love her videos/movies!!!😉😘 #katiemorgan
Vor 5 Jahren
Hot,beautiful and delicious
Vor 5 Jahren
I think you are by far the absolute best on here i love your work keep it up and so will i 😆
Vor 5 Jahren
You are by far the best there is i absolutely love you thanks for being you
Vor 5 Jahren
You are by far my favorite actress. You are so beautiful and have the prettiest eyes I have ever saw
Vor 5 Jahren
feel free to like comment and subscribe on me and my gfs new vids! you scratch my back ill happily scratch do you do autographs
Vor 5 Jahren
The way her leg shake drives me crazy
Vor 5 Jahren
OMG you make me so hard wish i could blow my load inside such a gorgeous woman
Vor 5 Jahren
you are absolutely adorable!they call me the baddest squirter in porn. im just a solo squirt machine coming through to drop some love. salute!
Vor 6 Jahren
She is super awesome in her Sex Movies.
Vor 6 Jahren
How can a man get into the business
Vor 6 Jahren
Katie Morgan is sexy and amazing
Vor 6 Jahren
Hot and sexy I just want to have sex with her
Vor 6 Jahren
Thank you Katie. You have been a inspiration to many. Keep on BANGING
Vor 7 Jahren
Love u katie
Vor 7 Jahren
Great Page Check out Some Of My Work thanks
Vor 8 Jahren
Wow.  I look at the comments and find myself amazed by the lack of spelling and grammar skills.  How are you ranked 195 when you honestly have the most gorgeous body in the industry combined with your enthusiasm for sex?
Vor 8 Jahren
I want to fuck u katie
Vor 8 Jahren
Even with no dick in her mouth its always doing something sexy, it can have a career of its own.
Vor 8 Jahren
Tiny, sexy, cute voice, blonde!
Vor 8 Jahren
Katie is one of my all time favorites! Love seeing her in newer movies. Can't get enough of her. And the fact that she seems to always have at least a landing strip, instead of bare, is a huge bonus. 😜
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