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Lexi Belle

Lexi Belle

Geburtstag: 1987-08-05
Geburtsort: Independence, Louisiana, United States of America
Größe: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
Gewicht: 106 lbs (48 kg)
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Alle Kommentare (171)

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Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
the best, marry me
Vor 3 Jahren
Don't think so
Vor 10 Jahren
Sexy as fuck x
Vor 10 Jahren
Sexy as fuck woooooooooooow
Vor 10 Jahren
Soooooooo cute honey!!!!
Vor 10 Jahren
We should do it sometime
Vor 10 Jahren
Lexi I know you don't normally do this especially for a guy but could you email me here: I'm new to all this and have alot of questions. THX!!!
Vor 9 Jahren
Lexi Belle looks amazeing!!
Vor 10 Jahren
love her! perky little (for a porn star)REAL tits that are a perfect mouthful
Vor 10 Jahren
You are soo fucking sexy I love you!!!
Vor 9 Jahren
you are Beautifull
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Just love what Lexi does to herself, her partner and of course, me. She's awesome! Love how she plays to the viewer. Would love to have her for a couple of weeks worth of fun!!
Vor 10 Jahren
You are perfection!
Vor 10 Jahren
lexi is a cutie
Vor 9 Jahren
I want to fuck you lexi
Vor 7 Jahren
out in with both of yall
Vor 9 Jahren
I'm finding all sorts of new pornstarz. My horizons are widening
Vor 10 Jahren
YOU can suck my big dick i love you
Vor 8 Jahren
i like u sexy and beauty babe
Vor 9 Jahren
Your voice is enough to get me wet.
Vor 1 Jahr
Love u lexi iam a cery big fan kiss
Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
I think u r someone trying to be u keep hitting me up on hangouts.
Vor 6 Jahren
I think there is no other girl in the world that more sexy than Lexi
Vor 6 Jahren
She went to high school in my hometown and was in the band.  Small world...
Vor 6 Jahren
Love you Lexxii
Vor 8 Jahren
OMG! 😲 Amazing. ... I have only on which.......
Vor 9 Jahren
Happy belated birthday
Vor 10 Jahren
i love fucking pussy
Vor 10 Jahren
What I love about Lexi is that fat meaty pussy and that ass.
Vor 10 Jahren
i want to fuck her
Vor 10 Jahren
i like to fuck her
Vor 10 Jahren
Love to have that nice pussy
Vor 10 Jahren
If there is any girl in the world who could make a gay man turn straight it would be Lexi. She is the ultimate girl so sexy & sweet.
Vor 10 Jahren
jajaja que linda eres me gustan tus ojos ^_^ te mando saludos desde COLOMBIA.
Vor 10 Jahren
I love u so much
Vor 3 Jahren
Lexi Email me love book ya .dick u down. 5k for one session email me
Vor 1 Monat
Perfect and an American beauty!! A higher power to Dawn the day!
Vor 1 Monat
Je suis amoureux de Lexi Belle.
Vor 2 Monaten
Vor 5 Monaten
I want to marry you make you my lovely sluwife.
Vor 11 Monaten
The fairytale princess of porn!
Vor 2 Jahren
Vor 2 Jahren
So there is a reason to keep Louisiana around.
Vor 2 Jahren
I love you Lexi
Vor 2 Jahren
I'm am absolutely committed fan and have been following your body of work (pun intended) for about as long as you've been in the business. Finally got around to making an account and I have no idea if you or anyone actually reads these but I had to let you know that my adoration for what you've done isn't matched. I still have all the dvd's from over the years. No player, but dvd's, naturally. To the point, thank you, for being you and working as hard as you did.
Vor 3 Jahren
Are you vegan? I have a very specific fetish. Please don't lie to me xD
Vor 3 Jahren
Love watching black guys fuck Lexi Belle! One of my favorite Penthouse Pets ever!
Vor 3 Jahren
You are honestly one of my favorite porn actresses... your personality is so cute and you always look like you are having a good time. You are so fun to watch!
Vor 3 Jahren
Mmm lexi belle
Vor 3 Jahren
When are you on cam soda?
Vor 3 Jahren
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos
Vor 4 Jahren
suck my thick cock with balls
Vor 4 Jahren
She's had so much work done recently, it's getting hard to recognize her.
Vor 4 Jahren
I’d pay a million dollars to see Lexi Belle do a DP
Vor 4 Jahren
And by the way I agree to the terms
Vor 4 Jahren
Please come back one more time..... I didn't get to properly introduce myself last time.... You just said hi and the. Disappeared....
Vor 4 Jahren
You are absolutely amazing and I cannot thank you enough for your talent and supremely gorgeous figure you have. I enjoy being able to watch your videos and look at your pictures 😉
Vor 4 Jahren
Hi Lexi, always great talking to you
Vor 4 Jahren
New movies pleaseeeeeeeee 😍😍😍
Vor 4 Jahren
My lifetime dream is to meet you l, i love youuuuuuuuu ❤❤❤❤
Vor 4 Jahren
When we making a video?
Vor 4 Jahren
Beautiful girl... blonde dream...
Vor 4 Jahren
vraiment trop bonne
Vor 4 Jahren
Your bio is fucking awesome and I mentioned you in a comment post on my profile.
Vor 4 Jahren
Love watching Penthouse Pet of the Year screwing black guys the best! Lexi Belle is incredible
Vor 5 Jahren
One of my absolute favorites!
Vor 5 Jahren
Sexy as it gets fn beautiful I'd love to fuck. The shit outta her!!!
Vor 5 Jahren
Would You wanna do some collab work and make some rly good content to put on here so we can get thousands of more views and our rankings go up! Hmu and lmk promise we would make some.rly good videos especially with the ideas I have! Check out my blow job video first if you can before you make your mind up! I just have some really good ideas about content and different things to do so just hear me out! ; )
Vor 5 Jahren
Sexy bb🥒
Vor 5 Jahren
You will always be my favorite
Vor 5 Jahren
I saw you at the northern and I want u 2 see me to
Vor 5 Jahren
I think u r someone trying to be u. Has been hitting me up on hangouts. I'm right here.
Vor 5 Jahren
I wish I could experience her licking my clit and eating me out and making me cum so hard at least once in my life
Vor 5 Jahren
ur the beeeeeest feel free to like comment and subscribe on me and my gfs new vids! you scratch my back ill happily scratch do you do autographs
Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
Lexi is one of my favourite porn stars, how is she so lowly ranked (182 at time of this post)? How are these rankings calculated, is there a place to vote or do I have to watch more videos with her in them?
Vor 5 Jahren
Lexi belle you are my all time favorite please if you ever read this I would love to meet you and your sweet
Vor 5 Jahren
Hey! Do not miss my videos, watch them, enjoy them, share them, give me many likes, mark them as favorites and subscribe to my channel. Videos and new photos every month, are you going to miss it? You can also find me on Chaturbate. so you can have a good time and have fun with me live.
Vor 5 Jahren
I think I'm in love. Shit.
Vor 5 Jahren
I want you to see my dick and tell me if you want to be with me
Vor 5 Jahren
Can you contact me, We are communication agency
Vor 5 Jahren
you are gorgeous 🙂
Vor 5 Jahren
Either a gake account or youre a retard
Vor 5 Jahren
Why cant your responds
Vor 5 Jahren
I think this is a j J Koke
Vor 5 Jahren
U cant respond? Cant respond ..nice
Vor 5 Jahren
Побольше бы новых видео)
Vor 6 Jahren
Can wait to meet you tonight
Vor 6 Jahren
Vor 6 Jahren
Love you Lexi Belle!! Been a huge fan of yours for a long time
Vor 6 Jahren
fuck me too
Vor 6 Jahren
we are voting for your pics of you while you have a penis somepoint
Vor 6 Jahren
Kiss me naked Lexi Belle Baby
Vor 6 Jahren
I would wanted to have lexi as my dirty girlfriend and also love it when she truly has a penis since I see pics of her on fantasy traps too
Vor 6 Jahren
she sounds like cutiepiemarzia
Vor 6 Jahren
i love you soooooooooo much, i just dream of fuck with you
Vor 6 Jahren
Wow Lexi I’m in love with you!!!!
Vor 6 Jahren
I adore you lexi ❤️❤️
Vor 6 Jahren
Ono & Yummy!!!I just can imagine how your luscious lips & tounge taste & How wet & soft your peach taste! You're so Beautiful & Sexy
Vor 6 Jahren
Your my favorite porn girl.   I love you 
Vor 7 Jahren
Lexi is superhero; the first actress I love to see for modeling, sexy in motion, this is a girl I would blaze with be like all the want to do it like Lexi
Vor 7 Jahren
Best ass on pornhub hands down!!
Vor 7 Jahren
My all time favorite
Vor 7 Jahren
love her charm and beauty
Vor 7 Jahren
You look just like one of my friends from highschool... I think you two might be cousins or some shit.
Vor 7 Jahren
I'd love to see you at Sapphire tonight. =)
Vor 7 Jahren
Your my favorite adult performer Lexi Belle!! Been watching your works since I was 18! 🙂 3
Vor 7 Jahren
I AM HAPPY IN YOU Hot burning woman I am honored to be able to watch YOUR FEET Suck suck suck lick lick your feet LEXI I NEED U FEET IN MY MOUTH LEXI BELLE SSA suck suck licking lick your feet. never stop sucking
Vor 7 Jahren
Love to play in all that red hair
Vor 7 Jahren are my all-time favorite! When are you visiting Portland, OR?
Vor 7 Jahren
Hi you have any plans on visiting Portland, Oregon any time soon?
Vor 7 Jahren
Fuck meeeeeee!!!
Vor 7 Jahren
Do you want to sext with me
Vor 7 Jahren
When im on my deathbed, the only thing i will want is to have Lexi walk into the room with nothing on and i want her to ride me until my heart stops beating.
Vor 7 Jahren
Lexi belle I am a virgin and I want to lose it to you coz I know You will keep me calm
Vor 7 Jahren
I absolutely love this woman. She is ridiculously gorgeous. My second favorite porn star. My night life when down hill when I found someone more attractive...
Vor 8 Jahren
Penthouse Pet of the Year! Love watching her fuck black guys the best. Or nasty dykes!
Vor 8 Jahren
I fucking love Lexi
Vor 8 Jahren
eres muy linda you sexi girl
Vor 8 Jahren
love me some Lexi Id do almost anything for one night with her.
Vor 8 Jahren
i love lexi
Vor 8 Jahren
Lexi needs to start letting the black man fuck her again. It's been too long! Not since she was crowned Penthouse Pet of the Year. Gotta keep the fans happy, Lexi!
Vor 8 Jahren
Lexi needs to get back to letting the black man drill her amazing pussy again. It has been a while! Not she was crowned Penthouse Pet of the Year. Give the fans what they want, Lexi!!!
Vor 8 Jahren
Please fuck me mistress I will be a good boy
Vor 8 Jahren
Lexi, sei fantastica
Vor 8 Jahren
Sexy lexi you're my bebe
Vor 8 Jahren
I can hardly believe how cute you are. I am so, so glad you chose this profession.
Vor 8 Jahren
Sweet Lexy Belley !
Vor 8 Jahren
I LOVE YOU! you are my best favourite pornstar!
Vor 8 Jahren
Lexi is hot as hell. Damn
Vor 8 Jahren
i am not able  finding a video of  lexi belle strap on video if some one find it pls send me the link i will be very grateful to him 
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
Hey its jeff. I subscribed as jeffbjen. Can u message me pls?
Vor 8 Jahren
This girl is so pretty and sweet that you do not want to fuck, you want to make love.
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
I want to see you more.
Vor 8 Jahren
Do anyone know how to get in contact with her?
Vor 8 Jahren
with u was in okc on sw side in my bed after our shower together love to lick and in joy u fully amd u as well with me
Vor 8 Jahren
Seen her at the northern gentalmans club last night made it rain on her!
Vor 8 Jahren
I Love You!
Vor 8 Jahren
I'd like to lose my virginity to her.  Beautiful girl.
Vor 9 Jahren
I'm 20 I was wondering my penis is 7.75 inches long and 3 inches girth is this good or bad size?
Vor 9 Jahren
I fucking love Lexi.. Soooo beautiful.. Soooo sexy.. My perfect woman.. In every fuckin way
Vor 9 Jahren
head to toe she is perfect!!
Vor 9 Jahren
My favourite porn star of all time!
Vor 9 Jahren
I've been watching porn since I was 12 and in my opinion you are the most gorgeous, sexiest, dick riding, likes it pounded pornstar I've ever seen. Your my favorite to watch
Vor 9 Jahren
She is so sexy love her gets me hard every time ❤❤
Vor 9 Jahren
She is the sweetest actress ever
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
You are beautiful
Vor 9 Jahren
hey sexy i wanna lick your pussy and wanna fuck u hard 
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
Shes got a beautiful white creamy body. Hot!
Vor 9 Jahren
Suck My Dick Bitch
Vor 9 Jahren
you're a sexy woman for me you
Vor 9 Jahren
This beautiful women should be treated like a God, any guy to make love with her is as lucky as a guy to win the lottery 5 times
Vor 9 Jahren
I so want to skrew the fuzz off lexi tasty peach!
Vor 9 Jahren
So Sexy Lexi Belle
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
One of my favorite porn actresses of all time would love to smash her pussy in man..
Vor 9 Jahren
I want to go out withe you mmmm
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
ur fucking amazing love this profile
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