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Mia Khalifa

Mia Khalifa

Geburtstag: 1993-02-10
Geburtsort: Beirut, Lebanon
Größe: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
Gewicht: 121 lbs (55 kg)
Webseite: Offizielle Site
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Alle Kommentare (285)

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Vor 10 Jahren
first thing hi Second,Im lebanese too and i like what you do not because you make sex and you are a porn star but because you didnt afraid from any thing and you told people that you are porn star, there is million and billion girls that they are bitches that they get fucked every day and they make of them selfs a honest girls im with you that you are brave i know that you didnt need my voice but i told you what i told to all people that talk about you on facebook
Vor 10 Monaten
Vor 2 Jahren
I love your videos! 😍
Vor 10 Jahren
جريئه بالتعبير عن احاسيسك الجنسية و محترفة ويخطر ببالي سؤال هل فعلا تستمتعين اثناء تصوير المشاهد الجنسية ام انه فقط تمثيل ؟؟؟اتمنى ان تجاوبيني بصراحة وكما كنتي جريئة بالتصوير اتمنى ان تكوني جريئة بالجابة ؟؟؟؟
Vor 4 Jahren
Look at me 😊
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 2 Jahren
👈🏻Without a doubt, she is beautiful! 😍
Vor 10 Jahren
Lets see... 22 videos, a million views, amateur skills, homely face, and suddenly #1 pornstar on pornhub? Ahahahaha... no, something's up. No one, looking like her, boosts out of nowhere and dethrones pornstars that have been working in the industry for years. Did she suck pornhubs owners dicks or something?
Vor 2 Jahren
👈🏻I love to be thinking about you while I masturbate my pussy! 😍
Vor 10 Jahren
Ya reet law nmasel film sawa
Vor 2 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Absolutely stunning
Vor 2 Jahren
Yeah! She's so perfect!
Vor 10 Jahren
Wtf out of nowhere dethroned lisa ann lol finally
Vor 2 Jahren
She is the best!
Vor 10 Jahren
Omg!!! I'm in love with you!!! Mia Khalifa PLEASE DO ANAL!!
Vor 2 Jahren
Anal is the only thing she lacks! I would love to see Mia ass wide open! 😍
Vor 10 Jahren
Bullshit she's number one. really
Vor 10 Jahren
شو هل الجمال بتجنني انا من معجبينك وبحب شوف افلامك كتير بس ياريت تصوري فلم عرض لوحدك او سحاق
Vor 10 Jahren
You got the perfect Body. I love you!!!
Vor 2 Jahren
👆🏻She is so perfect!
Vor 10 Jahren
Oh, I see why she's rated highly. Apparently the men on pornhub LOVE poorly done fake tits. Seriously? This girl and Lisa Ann have gross tits. Stiff and misshapen with nipples pointing in odd directions. And this one needs her eyebrows waxed. Yuck. And she's an arab? LOL Yuck.
Vor 8 Jahren
I don't like lisa ann much, it looks too much like she has herpes around her mouth
Vor 9 Jahren
Just because she's Arab doesn't mean shit. Not everyone has the same fucking standards as you do. Not all of us have to fucking want perfect tits. I don't see you commenting about fat porn or films. Maybe you even like those so that is why we don't see you commenting on them?
Vor 10 Jahren
gooooo girrrrl i wish to see anal of you in the future
Vor 2 Jahren
Anal is a delight!
Vor 10 Jahren
Somebody finally beat Lisa Ann.
Vor 10 Jahren
People apparently get off on a normally demure woman in a head wrap giving head and getting fucked. Sorry but she doesn't deserve #1. She just has #1 bc she hardly has any videos and she's filling a need for a certain type of man.
Vor 10 Jahren
Mia, hello, care not what others want you to do or not do, you are the guardian at the begining of your life. You are beautiful and hope you make a ton of cash which will make you independant. Relatives and family will come back well after you own three houses in Malibu. Go after every oppurtunity(sp) and make it now while the iron is hot. Peace out a supporter of freedom
Vor 10 Jahren
I want to make film with u «pornhub»& fuck this pussy with my big dick
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Arabic girls so sexy العربي احلا
Vor 10 Jahren
I fap a lot to you
Vor 10 Jahren
good mia قاهرة الدواعش
Vor 10 Jahren
I'm from Egypt Mohammed name Age 20 And dreamed of filming with you Specifications Skin / White Height / 162 Weight / 60 I practice sport in gym I want to have sex with you mandate temptress😉
Vor 10 Jahren
شومابدك تزوري لبنان تعي عمليناشي فلم هون ععين مريسةمثلن اوبفاريا
Vor 10 Jahren
Mia Khalifa; the girl that came out of nowhere and took Pornhub by storm. I salute you!
Vor 10 Jahren
It is quite obvious that this person was entered into a private deal with pornhub investors or sponsors.I still respect them because after they were exposed to the public they were still good enough to be popular but they would have never done it alone. They also have a small variety of videos and are obviously not very in to porn. They do not deserve the number one spot and will soon fall from it.
Vor 5 Jahren
hey my WhatsApp if you are intrested+923016722128
Vor 10 Jahren
Yes indeed!
Vor 10 Jahren
I wish I could get a chance to have some with Mia Khalifa.
Vor 10 Jahren
She's sexy.. Never seen an Arab slut like her. Wonder what happened to her
Vor 10 Jahren
ممكن نتكلم خاص انا مهندس 0963938019122
Vor 10 Jahren
i fucking loved you when you had sex with that biker with your step-mom video! but sucked you had to take off the hijab 😥 can you please make a porn video about you being a married woman cheating on your faithful loving husband while he's at work while wearing the hijab the whole video please!!! and please can you make an arabic accent next time it would be sooo freaken hot if you did that! please Mia plzzz do it for your fans!!! 🙂
Vor 10 Jahren
She looks punjabi not Lebanese tho
Vor 8 Jahren
Actually, she doesn't. Her facial structure is exactly the same as most women whose heritage is majority Lebanese. One of my best friends is half Lebanese and other than being white and having a smaller nose due to her French heritage, their faces are nearly identical.
Vor 10 Jahren
ES una mujer muy hermosa.
Vor 10 Jahren
Where about are you from
Vor 10 Jahren
very sexy girl i would love to fuck you with my big fat cock baby
Vor 10 Jahren
CONGRATULATIONS on taking the #1 Spot!! You deserve it!
Vor 10 Jahren
The best pornstar in the World EVEEEEEEEEER
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
@mia khalifa i love your style so much....mhamad from lebanon 0096170912324
Vor 10 Jahren
Holy shit, she came out of nowhere and dethroned Lisa Ann. I can see why ;P
Vor 10 Jahren
Mia i love you so much and i love your ass so much :* and I want your doggystyle video just make a cuckold video and rough your beautiful hot sexy ass on someone when a big cock make cum inside your ass.. :* :* :* 3: pls do it for me
Vor 10 Jahren
Hi.... i want to meet you.... you are very nice pornstar and you have very nice pussy....... and body..... i like you....
Vor 10 Jahren
You are so hot and a super good pornstar to
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
whats so good about her? dont get it
Vor 9 Jahren
You are the best!!! I love you!
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
I want u to star in my new porn video
Vor 10 Jahren
hey baby you're so beautiful I love you with my heart
Vor 10 Jahren
man i really want to fuck you
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
make more movies mia you are beautiful and i like you so much and i like your smile
Vor 10 Jahren
I love seeing a woman of middle eastern descent with an awesome set of boobs taking BIG FAT AMERICAN COCK in her mouth. I bet most middle-eastern women want to come to america and enjoy the BIG FAT AMERICAN COCK. I definitely enjoy seeing her with far to much cock in her. I want to see someone splooging all over that pretty little face.
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Ur becoming my addiction
Vor 10 Jahren
I want to have sex with you
Vor 10 Jahren
Beautiful lady
Vor 10 Jahren
Everyone is characterized in their own way and we all proud of u lebanese diva
Vor 10 Jahren
she is absolutely amazing. the things i would do to just have a chance at fucking her...
Vor 10 Jahren
I am signing Up because of U Mia. I Love UUU
Vor 10 Jahren
Mia Khalifa likes a bitch!
Vor 9 Jahren
i adore you Mia
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
This sexy girl is a dream,so hot.
Vor 10 Jahren
So beatiful
Vor 10 Jahren
I could fuck this girl all day and all night
Vor 10 Jahren
Make a video with lisa ann
Vor 10 Jahren
She retired a few weeks ago, dude. Sorry.
Vor 10 Jahren
Dude she took 1st place fast future star!
Vor 10 Jahren
mia khalifa is a woman, lets treat her with respect rather than a pornstar. She is being to do this and i as a feminist believe that its her personality that deserves an award. Im very sad to see a woman like her to be introduced in a system like this 
Vor 8 Jahren
If you're a feminist, shouldn't you be proud that she feels empowered to do something that shows off her beauty and femininity? Shouldn't you be proud that a Middle Eastern woman is breaking out of the regressive and patriarchal culture that has dominated that area of the world for millenia and broken taboos that have gotten women like her maimed and/or ? Pretty sad that a "feminist" values her own POV of how women should be portrayed instead of the whole person for the choices SHE makes.
Vor 6 Jahren
How tf is she number 2?
Vor 9 Jahren
وعلى فكرة انا بتابع كل جديدك بموئعك.. بدنا تحكي عربي يائلبي... بدنا افلام بالعربي كمين... وتكوني الاولى وفي كتار نتمنى نكون بعدك....مووووواه منحبك..... نحنا كل الشلة هون
Vor 9 Jahren
يسلموني كل بنات لبنان
Vor 10 Jahren
When will we see your new videos :*
Vor 10 Jahren
I want to be a pronstar can you help me?we can chat on whatsapp.3922398252
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
very Lovely Mamasita!
Vor 10 Jahren
a7la maia 
Vor 10 Jahren
Sexy girl i want to fuck it
Vor 10 Jahren
هذه هي الثورة الحقيقية وليس ثورة البغال هههههه
Vor 10 Jahren
best porn star ever .... specially u r from lebanon 🙂 its nice to see such this things. Wish to see all new about u
Vor 10 Jahren
She is so HOT
Vor 10 Jahren
My new favorite star! Can't wait to see more
Vor 9 Jahren
Please suck my dick
Vor 9 Jahren
I'm so in love
Vor 9 Jahren
only heard of her at all for trying to embarrass other celebrities, she's not even close to anything special much less being ranked number 2, how are the rankings determined? She shouldn't even be in the top thousand honestly
Vor 9 Jahren
She needs to get out of this industry. There girls much better than her
Vor 9 Jahren
you are very beautiful Mia....... i'm rim from beirut
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
the best actor porn star
Vor 10 Jahren
rate my cock plz
Vor 10 Jahren
eh ma kel el lebnanye shramet ,chou w2fet 3laike ... good job Mia w kuluna lil watan 😉
Vor 10 Jahren
كل اللبنانية خوات شرموطة ولو ثبت العكس
Vor 10 Jahren
U r so so sexy so hot I really really wanna have sex with u
Vor 10 Jahren
Ayre b fkher l sena3a l wataneye
Vor 10 Jahren
wooooow very sexyyyy
Vor 10 Jahren
Probably not #1 material yet but with more videos she's going to be a dick sucking pro in no time
Vor 10 Jahren
انتي عربيه
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Wow!! She's so amazing, And already Ranked 2 in pornhub!!!
Vor 10 Jahren
I Love U Mia!!
Vor 10 Jahren
U are a goddess
Vor 10 Jahren
Wow you know she's amazing when she only has 7 videos on here and at ranking 3. She definitely needs more videos for me to jerk it too!
Vor 10 Jahren
not that good
Vor 10 Jahren
You are perfect, im in love =D
Vor 2 Jahren
I love your pussy! 😍🔥🔥
Vor 4 Jahren
Hello te gustaría hacer video con migo
Vor 4 Jahren
First of all I'd like to say, HOLY MOTHER MARY OF PEARL. I'm a big fan, an the coolest thing ever would be to make a full film with Mia Khalifa. Sooo friggin beautiful.
Vor 5 Jahren
How do you go down a rank now? This is unacceptable. You held it for the longest time
Vor 6 Jahren
Vor 6 Jahren
why is she at number two permanently
Vor 6 Jahren
I'm new also, Trying to make my own movies. Have to start small. Wanna audition?
Vor 6 Jahren
She’s kinda overrated if you ask me. Keisha Grey clearly outranks her.
Vor 7 Jahren
Bush did 9/11
Vor 7 Jahren
I love your videos so much in my dreams I f you
Vor 8 Jahren
First of all I want fuck with her so badly!
Vor 8 Jahren
Hey mia I want to eat your pussy
Vor 9 Jahren
I was wondering if we could make a film together?? Also your my favorite pornstar and you hot as fuck. Please msg me back about me and you doing a film
Vor 9 Jahren
I love u soo much may i text u
Vor 9 Jahren
What is this fucking towel head doing in the top 5. Get her out of the studio. Put a real professional in her place. One that's actually full blooded American. She gives a bad name to this business. She needs to leave the industry and the country.
Vor 8 Jahren
So much hate from the stereotypical Dumb Angry American. You give a bad name to the human species. Find a hole, fill it with kerosene, jump in and light yourself on fire. Please. Now.
Vor 9 Jahren
Is she done doing porn? She has not made a movie since February. I really hope she makes more but there has been nothing new for awhile 
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
Fucking ugly as shit
Vor 9 Jahren
just fuck me you fuck me
Vor 10 Jahren
ay mia? let's talk business yea?? inbox me $$$$
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Hey babe! Love you!
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Mia khalifa is sexy af i wish i could hit it
Vor 10 Jahren
the one who dont love u donkey 🙂 angel 
Vor 10 Jahren
i love body so much
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Her tits are the stuff of legends.
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
U r so hot n so sweet
Vor 10 Jahren
فاتنة العرب ميا لبنان.....
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Great artist
Vor 10 Jahren
Not sure if hot because hot Arabic chick or...Doesn't matter; hand sex
Vor 10 Jahren
Your so amazing follow me on twitter @clay0815
Vor 10 Jahren
This is, without exception, the hottest woman I have seen on this website. 😀
Vor 10 Jahren
I like everything but best off all is the colour of your skin. How you say this in my country : je krijgt er een strak plassertje van
Vor 10 Jahren
You make me cum 24/7!
Vor 10 Jahren
100 percent beautiful
Vor 9 Jahren
Mia ♡.♡
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
Taking rank 1 so fast, incredible!
Vor 10 Jahren
So beautiful and sexy!
Vor 1 Jahr
Hey se hacerca mi cumpleaños y quería saber si queres hacer un vedeo?
Vor 1 Jahr
Kalifita 😎
Vor 1 Jahr
@ mia khalifa let me eat your juicy delicious pussy and ass
Vor 1 Jahr
Ten sexo conmigo , si no tienes sexo conmigo eres fan de kunno
Vor 1 Jahr
I love you sweetheart
Vor 1 Jahr
One day i hope to be like you ❤❤❤❤❤
Vor 1 Jahr
omg mega fan
Vor 1 Jahr
She is and she still will be may favorite posrn star
Vor 1 Jahr
Hello Mia lick my dick Mia
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 2 Jahren
Hello my love💋 I am a hot girl who is looking for adventures🔥 I love to have sex every hour, my vagina is full of pleasure I invite you to visit my page and see my new hot videos 😘💦
Vor 3 Jahren
I think she is so amazing.i would marry her in a hot second. She could call me her baby David. She is so beautiful and lovely. And fuck all you who don't like her. Cause she is going to marry me so all you sorry ass fucked can kiss me and her ass you ducks
Vor 3 Jahren
4105 cd banks ave apt201
Vor 3 Jahren
Ola mami rica como estas
Vor 3 Jahren
Grind one out on my stomach and let the cum leak on my fat floppy jacking off in
Vor 3 Jahren
nice body and personality
Vor 3 Jahren
hello who are you make a video with me you are a sexy woman and i can't resist just pulling her for you
Vor 4 Jahren
ميا بحبك يسكسيه مش قادر اشيلك من دماغي نصور فلم سوا
Vor 4 Jahren
She doesn't want her videos on any plattform. Please remove her content, pornhub.
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Hi Are you Mia Khalifa My Name is Rico Harold Padua and I would like to take you for a date just the two of us haveing sex doing porn at the econologe hotel On December 1st 2020 in Monticello New York please I kinda have a crush on you and I want to have sex with you and do porn with you could you meet me at the econologe hotel in Monticello New York and have sex and do porn there please do it for me please and while are there you can teach me how to m-shift into a doberman Pinscher please
Vor 4 Jahren
I'm trying to find more women that love to make videos. Hmu if you ever come through South Carolina
Vor 4 Jahren
I'm wondering why it seems like someone took every mia khalifa video already existing and made a loop video of it. dozens upon dozens of "loop" videos. and here's the kicker: loop videos are by default not as good as actual videos, they don't have nearly as much within them. so whomever made all these damned loop videos did so for themselves, then illogically concluded "everyone else will appreciate having loop videos"... and the sad part is tapping mouse is same as loops.
Vor 4 Jahren
Subscribed to branydo
Vor 4 Jahren
Subscribed to branydo
Vor 4 Jahren
Hy how can I join your club I want to be a pornstar I am a boy I am 20 years old I live in South Africa in Durban kwazulu-natal
Vor 4 Jahren
hey your amazing
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
I don't know what that red arrow going down means but I support you Mia💯🤘
Vor 4 Jahren
Hola, solo quiero decir que si alguna chica busca sexo 🔥
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Hi maybe look at me : pussymagdalena30
Vor 4 Jahren
If she wants me ill be down shes so lovely and cam sexy
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Love u ur biggest fan
Vor 4 Jahren
Can i have sex with you
Vor 4 Jahren
Fuckтически не ме интересуваТЕ нмнз 《БС-КС☆♡☆ВС-БХ》《😙😘😚😗😛😜😝😋》》》😇😈《《《
Vor 4 Jahren
You arE So Much easY beautY Woman..!you aree sooo much more more more hungry for stupid meaningless《☆•°°•☆♡M♡O♡N♡E♡Y♡☆•°°•☆》《just the open thiss the sites beaBBy《 "M"》AND《 "M"》☆♡☆《YOU》《ARE》《SO》《SPECIAL》《MILADY》!!!!☆♡☆!!!! Just play the game beabbYyY haha maybe.! Special assistance from you BEAUTY go "PLAY the GAME" for so morEeEeE, moNEY. Millions beautYY this thanks game it's a best ever GAME.
Vor 4 Jahren
hello everyone. does anyone have some kind of contact info for this nice girl? would be interested in phone sex / snap vc / skype or cam, not sure if it's possible over this site
Vor 4 Jahren
يسعد دينك
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Come watch me play with my juicy Latina pussy 💦💦😍
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
hey everyone come check out our first video
Vor 4 Jahren
Salut je suis bg jfait des Skype chaud
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
Hello beauty
Vor 5 Jahren
Maybe you would like to become friends ?
Vor 5 Jahren
Sexy ASF 😈
Vor 5 Jahren
J'adore 3 3 3
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