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Teanna Trump

Teanna Trump

Geburtstag: 1995-08-01
Geburtsort: Indiana, United States of America
Größe: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
Gewicht: 134 lbs (61 kg)
Monatlicher Rang
Letzter Monat
Jährlicher Rang
Wird geladen

Alle Kommentare (156)

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Vor 10 Jahren
Best. Pornstar. Ever. Almost too hot for porn if I'm honest
Vor 7 Jahren
Liker her facebook
Vor 10 Jahren
This is the type of AA they need to be looking to recruit. We lost Ryaan Reynolds, but we have Teanna Trump as a fine ass replacement!
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 10 Jahren
hey I love your videos u should hit me up on whatsapp 2424483990
Vor 9 Jahren
This is pretty funny reading the comments, people are saying she's too hot to be doing porn and all of this crap after they just jacked off watching her scene !!! This girl is going to have a very long career and hopefully make millions of dollars !!!!
Vor 6 Jahren
Trippie took a W
Vor 8 Jahren
Damn you are fine, my dream woman
Vor 10 Jahren
Shit come to da block wear dim real niggaz at
Vor 5 Jahren
What is your snap
Vor 8 Jahren
More Teanna and rico lol she hate rico
Vor 8 Jahren
Great ass and throat skills. My god.
Vor 8 Jahren
this is the kind of girl that should be a server in Pizza Hut, more pepperoni please!
Vor 8 Jahren
I would love to fuck the shit out of you!  Check this gif out:
Vor 10 Jahren
So beautiful, wish I could have a scene or two with her.
Vor 8 Jahren
Teanna BET you won't come to UofA to fuck a 19 year old for his cam show.
Vor 11 Monaten
Aye I make a lot of money off PH Twitter X and only fans if u interested ima get u paid abd I’ll help u make your own account abd if u don’t want to but u knoe someone’s that’s down lmk I’m looking for a new co star ..
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
I Think we’ll be the Biggest collab coming from Indiana For sure😍 #XO🖤🕷🕸
Vor 3 Jahren
Hi guys!😃 Subscribe us, share🌐 and watch our videos please!🤗 Rate our content, comment and add it to favourites ❤ We love everybody 🥰☺😘
Vor 2 Wochen
Teen? Ya 20 years ago 😂😂
Vor 11 Monaten
Just let me know when you’re ready 🤙🏾
Vor 1 Jahr
Leo gang, our vibez are like no other, love you Teanna -CJ
Vor 1 Jahr
teanna trump hmu wussup bby lets shoot sumthing
Vor 1 Jahr
I want to make love to you then fuck your hard and rough just how you like it
Vor 1 Jahr
when I say words can’t explain😍🥵🥵
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
what the hank that man doing with Teanna in his videos
Vor 1 Jahr
Let's make content 😘😘😘💕
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
Vor 1 Jahr
Que buena estás me gustaría hacer un vídeo con tígo
Vor 2 Jahren
Check out the hottest 2d /3d big booty xxx cartoon videos right here on my channel. Cartoons for the grown and sexy.
Vor 2 Jahren
I'm from Indiana would love to meet up with her
Vor 2 Jahren
I would love to fuck her
Vor 2 Jahren
What separates her from the pack is you can tell she takes pride in what she’s doing. I love that. It’s all about effort. Bravo!!
Vor 2 Jahren
Fucking fire
Vor 2 Jahren
I’m from Indiana I always wanted to fuck you since you went to tech. Hmu. I need you this is my life long dream 💦💦💦💯
Vor 2 Jahren
Hmu Teanna I’m from Indiana I been wanting you since back in the day. I live in AZ. You ever out here hmu fasho I got you
Vor 3 Jahren
She’s the best mmmm
Vor 3 Jahren
I wanna meet you
Vor 3 Jahren
Vor 3 Jahren
One of my best pornstars
Vor 3 Jahren
Share what you think♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos 🙂
Vor 4 Jahren I wish my first video can be with teanna trump
Vor 4 Jahren
I want some of you 😋
Vor 4 Jahren
Hi Queen. #2000usmc
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Bucket list #1: Take Teana Trump out to dinner 😏
Vor 4 Jahren
Love ur films
Vor 4 Jahren
You in Houston and you Queen tell me nothing hit my line right quick cause I’m here and need some assistance
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Interested in making a video..
Vor 4 Jahren
Interested in doing a video?
Vor 4 Jahren
I would do anything to make a video with you
Vor 4 Jahren
We need too link
Vor 4 Jahren
@teannatrump DM me plz
Vor 4 Jahren
Like the picture s
Vor 4 Jahren
Let’s shoot in Houston
Vor 4 Jahren
Let’s make a video ??
Vor 5 Jahren
Cuckhold me please
Vor 5 Jahren
You’re better than this
Vor 5 Jahren
Come to the dmv and see what i can do 🙃
Vor 5 Jahren
Every time I hit the FUCK NOW button on your page it takes me to some bullshit. Fix that shit bitch!
Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
baby can you coome and fuck in nigeria it aan ok country
Vor 5 Jahren
Check me out. I’m up & coming.
Vor 5 Jahren
Would like to have a meat nd eat with you some day
Vor 5 Jahren
I heard you were at Morgan damn wish I could of came in contact for a vid or something
Vor 5 Jahren
Love your vids babe do u prefer a bwc or a bbc
Vor 5 Jahren
I love you so much lol check out my video please
Vor 5 Jahren
I like to see you sucking my dick, cum in your mouth or on your cute face. Fuck you ass-to-mouth and finish in your throat. Piss on your face on your tits and body piss in your mouth and you sucking my cock after that and make me cum 2 times without any rest after I cum the first time I want you to keep blowing my cock licking it sucking it all up playing with my balls and deeptroath and eating my dick until is no more cum inside my balls and you have drain them good. We can do everything that I
Vor 5 Jahren
Am coming to ur house
Vor 5 Jahren
$sydthakyd96 CASHAPP . I’m in desperate need Of help
Vor 5 Jahren
Any think she looks like AvenaHd on live cams?
Vor 5 Jahren
If you are a beautiful female and interested in paid modeling and/or being a Pornstar friend me here:
Vor 5 Jahren
I would give up my left nut to smash & get blown by Teanna!
Vor 5 Jahren
Hey! Do not miss my videos, watch them, enjoy them, share them, give me many likes, mark them as favorites and subscribe to my channel. Videos and new photos every month, are you going to miss it? You can also find me on Chaturbate. so you can have a good time and have fun with me live.
Vor 5 Jahren
We can do a porn together
Vor 5 Jahren
Would love to work with you
Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 5 Jahren
Sexy asf add me
Vor 5 Jahren
you are absolutely adorable!they call me the baddest squirter in porn. im just a solo squirt machine coming through to drop some love. salute!
Vor 5 Jahren
Im new to the industry, and I wanted to know one what all do it take to get up in rank, and also what all i have to do to make a video with you.
Vor 5 Jahren
Would luv to fuck this girl she a freak
Vor 5 Jahren
Gt Work To Do Mama💦💦
Vor 5 Jahren
The only Trump I’m voting for. she’s the best!
Vor 5 Jahren
So sexy ma am i love u and ur content Do you prefer white cock black cock or does it matter
Vor 5 Jahren
Love Seeing Pussy Getting Pounded? Wanna Get Off To A BBC & Fat ass? Subscribe to my stream and I’ll guarantee to get you off .
Vor 5 Jahren
Teanna is so beautiful I would love to spend a weekend with her
Vor 5 Jahren
I’d love to make a vid with you
Vor 5 Jahren
Trying to reach out to you Love
Vor 5 Jahren
Hello beautiful I’m O!Brian I love watching you I’m from Peoria IL I want to be in the porn industry really Bad it’s my dream to start my own production company . I have a 10.5” dick all natural I’m 32 I look 18 though and I can fuck for 5 hr straight No break. Any tips that can help?
Vor 5 Jahren
I want to have sex with Teanna Trump
Vor 5 Jahren
obsavage 03:35 am Hello beautiful I’m O!Brian I love watching you I’m from Peoria IL I want to be in the porn industry I have a 10.5” dick all natural I’m 32 I look 18 though and I can fuck for 5 hr straight No break. Any tips that can help?
Vor 5 Jahren
call me babes shot 1
Vor 6 Jahren
In n en love woth KIng DomInIque
Vor 6 Jahren
Subscribe to me for more bbc
Vor 6 Jahren
I wanna fuck u in Miami check my videos
Vor 6 Jahren
Vor 6 Jahren
Can we fuck
Vor 6 Jahren
mmmmmh sexyShare what you think
Vor 6 Jahren
Naptown all day
Vor 6 Jahren
Sexy and beautiful! Hopefully she'll keep making videos for years
Vor 6 Jahren
Vor 6 Jahren
I want to get in that ass and pussy
Vor 6 Jahren
she is great
Vor 6 Jahren
Damn I would love an be honored to shoot even just 1 video with you
Vor 6 Jahren
I Love you My Morning Wake up CALL
Vor 7 Jahren
Vor 7 Jahren
Very pretty and her ass is perfect 
Vor 7 Jahren
I want to eat her 
Vor 7 Jahren
I got to smash her
Vor 7 Jahren
Happy belated bday pookie
Vor 7 Jahren
I fell in love for you
Vor 7 Jahren
fabulous woman absolutely superb my favourite keep up the great work !!!
Vor 7 Jahren
I don't know if we already said that she is hands down! favorite pornstar
Vor 8 Jahren
By far our favorite pornstar. We wish we knew her
Vor 8 Jahren
shes come along way since her start. i loved her ecg vid
Vor 8 Jahren
U a hoe bihhhh allm on Twitter posting videos u must like niggas yo asses I bet you ass got dirty ass bihhhh that's y u have a low ranking cuz y a dirty sleezy ass hoe bihhhh and I Berta not be following my nigga Darrell @_____LaceUp on Twitter bihhhh or I'll come find you ass and they find a pornstar in a body bag ..... Bihhhh do not play with me.....
Vor 8 Jahren
I want you in my videos
Vor 8 Jahren
Sexest star ever
Vor 8 Jahren
hey teanna damn your fine and sexy hmu on google 6613811851 lets make some money together!
Vor 8 Jahren
this girl is the best pornstar i've seen so farshe has a banging body and nice puss
Vor 8 Jahren
Dam, your sexy, pm me plz
Vor 8 Jahren
so......any relation? lol
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
youre marvelous
Vor 8 Jahren
gorgeous beautiful 
Vor 8 Jahren
My us and wants you I just wanna watch
Vor 8 Jahren
She should of done modeling not porn What Good Godly man will want her after having a career like this? She will probably end up with some douche like Kristi Mack
Vor 8 Jahren
I wouldnt mind being with her
Vor 9 Jahren
Any girls on here wanna hook up
Vor 9 Jahren
Work with me
Vor 9 Jahren
She's 20 like me... ...I'm still virgin.
Vor 9 Jahren
Wish u was my gurl even if u a pornstar
Vor 9 Jahren
Oh yeah sexy nice beautiful like you honey kiss you sweetly come to me Oh
Vor 9 Jahren
She is a Goddess, with the perfect body
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
You're awesome Teanna, we love you!
Vor 9 Jahren
I normally dont say this shit, but girl you are to fucking hot for being a pornstar...
Vor 9 Jahren
My fav porn Star
Vor 10 Jahren
I want teanna
Vor 10 Jahren
i love your work your my favorite beautiful
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