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All about a trans woman's bottom surgery.

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  • Transgender
  • Verifizierte Amateure
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Vor 2 Jahren
Just want to thank you for your incredible content, in particular this video. I had my consultation with Dr. Meredith Grey in Kansas City on Tuesday and began the electrolysis yesterday which was surprisingly not so bad. I already had my orchiectomy last year so I'm hoping to make it through alright pain-wise. Your video has been so helpful heading into this for somebody in my shoes. I made this account literally just to comment. Well-spoken and informative!!!
Vor 2 Jahren
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and comment. I'm glad my content helps! Good luck, I hope it all goes smoothly for you!
Vor 10 Monaten
My fiance is trans and she is getting bottom surgery next year, I plan on taking care of her and helping her through the healing process. Thank you for this video content like this is hard to find
Vor 2 Jahren
This comment most likely won’t be read, but I was wondering what electrolysis exactly is. I am planning on starting to transition to female in a few years, and that is the one thing I don’t know a lot about yet.
Vor 1 Jahr
Sorry for the choppy language. Something in my actual explanation was a banned word. Electrolysis expensive but permanent. Laser also expensive. Both hurt a bit. Both take years.
Vor 1 Jahr
I'm an electrologist. Let me see if I can post one that doesn't have banned words. An electro probe follows the hair in and zaps hotness! The hair won't come back. Transwomen need this instead of laser, cus laser lets hair come back. Either way takes years because of how bodies work
Vor 2 Jahren
Hiya! I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this! I didn't know what to do because I want info about trans stuff and I'm not really sure how to go about that, so I figured to start here.. but boy, I didn't think I'd find something like this! I am absolutely in love with you! You are such a sweetheart and I love that you are educating fellow trans folk as well as others who just want to understand it! I haven't finished the video yet, I will, but not all of it applies to me since I am a FTM...
Vor 2 Jahren
I'm so glad you're here! Tysm for your kind comment. I'm glad that I can help some folks find information that is useful.
Vor 2 Jahren
I wanted to know if you knew someone who made a trans male version of something like this so I could be as educated on the subject as humanly possible. (I'm only 21, recently discovered I'm trans, excited to spend my first pride a trans man!) It may be a while before I could ever transition, but I want to know everything I can 💖🤍💙
Vor 2 Jahren
Great video I could’ve done with it being a little bit longer because I waited halfway through before I started dilating so I got plenty of time left lol but if you’re ever interested let me know cause I would love to chat and be friends we’ve got a couple of Facebook groups and I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to get a notch kind of like yours because of one of my complications I haven’t made any contact on here for years but you can also find me on fetlife with the same name
Vor 2 Jahren
Im thankful / find it hilarious / find is depressing I get a lot of information about my body and my transition off pornhub lol. I dont even watch porn really just come for the comments at this point. Been thinking about bottom surgery pretty seriously this new year so thank you for being so body positive 🙏
Vor 2 Jahren
I'm totally happy to help! I tried to create support group on FB, but they wouldn't let me post the kind of content I wanted. I ended up here where at least someone can find what they need. It's... Irritating
Vor 2 Jahren
This topic has nothing to do with me but ended up here just as a curiosity. Just wanted to say that your videos are very educational and I really appreciate you tooking time to do them! Keep doing what u do and I hope u all the best.
Vor 2 Jahren
Hi! I'd like to know about bathing? Can you still have baths while healing? And can they be long ones? I assume things like Bath salts and stuff like that is out of bounds during it
Vor 2 Jahren
Good question! No, you can't take baths or go swimming until it has healed
Vor 1 Monat
thank you for these videos as a pre everything (thanks to the honestly insulting waiting time here in the uk) trans woman being able to hear from women like you who have gone through all this stuff has not only helped further cement in my mind that this is what i want but also helped me to learn most of what to expect (our medical system is very different of course but its helping either way) im so glad you got to be on the outside who you have always been on the inside thank you again
Vor 1 Jahr
Heya! I just want to thank you Jamie, and ask who was your surgeon? Did you have revisions? Your results look so good!
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