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Hayle Seighton
Hayle Seighton

Hayle Seighton

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Über Hayle Seighton
Nerdy tomboy who loves anal and loves cumming a million times in a row. Also my clit's the size of a dick, but if you're here it's probably because you've already seen it anyway. No Testosterone or pumping is involved in the size of my clit, it just is what it is. She/Her lesbian. Trans-accepting and affirming, including nonbinary people of all stripes. I'm Everythingbagel at Chaturbate, and I enjoy streaming. Follow me for notifications, since I do not have a fixed schedule. I also forgot to add that I now have an OF, which is "everythingbagelof"
Beziehungsstatus: Vergeben
Interessiert an: Frauen
Geschlecht: Sonstiges
Größe: 5' 0" (152cm)
Gewicht: 159lbs. (72kg)
Ethnie: Other
Haarfarbe: Other
Falsche Brüste: Nein
Tattoos: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Interessen und Hobbies: Making videos here. I'm also an artist and jeweler. If you see me wear a necklace in a video, I probably made it. I'm also a sculptor who makes kawaii shit out of clay/ceramics. I have a sex doll that I love very much. Sweet and Country Rorita,EGL, fashion menhera kei and pastel goth fasion. I collect extremely rare dresses that are either out of print or hard to find. Art, of course. My favorite genre of videogame is shumps/shooters like Touhou and Dondonpach. Right now I work in an animal shelter. I'm also into AI.
Anturner: Bondage, mainly rope bondage. D/s and domestic servitude. Public sex. Tattoos, dyed hair, piercings and other body mods. Cuckolding and Netorare/NTR. Healthy depictions of BDSM including aftercare and safe practices. Depictions of tender, loving sex. Romance. Androgynous or other masc women.
Abturner: Men, Transmasc people who aren't/ don't ID as men are fine. Anything "teen". When the lesbian porn is clearly made by a room full of straight dudes.
Video-Ansichten: 1.733.046
Profilansichten: 361.852
Angesehene Videos: 136
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Hey y'all

Happy Black History Month!!! I hope to be making a few more videos soon. I wish it also make some content involving my doll. What do you guys think? And apologies are having not uploaded in a while, things are real have been getting rather chaotic meaning that I barely am in the state to even get horny let alone record myself being horny. But I do hope you all having a great month so far. Current events have been weighing on everybody's mind, but I'm not going to let that stuff get me down. May the laughter of my enemies grow loud enough to deafen and blind them.
*As for my doll, I'm not talking about the one that I had in the video but one that I have not recorded. I have had her since about 2014 which is longer than some of my peers have been married and that kind of freaks me out when I think about it. But she is a cute little doll that makes me actually gush when we do it. She's a blonde right now, and I use a lot of meticulous makeup and paints to keep her cute and unique. If you have seen my OF, you probably have seen her. I love my love doll, and hold no shame about it.
  • 8
Vor 1 Monat
Can't tto see you and your doll!!
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "6 year old account"
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I did forget to add though: if you might be feeling a little too shy to say in the comment section what kind of style you prefer on me, feel free to just DM me about it. I'm chill if you are. Things have been hella busy lately so I might not be able to answer immediately, but I can still read.
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Hey guys it's me again but this time have a quick question

Do you guys think that I look better with short hair or long hair? Both styles being curly and my usual red for now.
And do you think I should get into making ASMR role-play videos? You know those types like "cute girl buys you a drink at the bar, soft voice" etc etc? Because it is only just now dawning upon me that my voice is kind of unique among women and kind of sexy to other people. I was a Grace Jones comes to mind the most because she is one of my favorite artists of all time.
So yeah, short hair or long? Ideal length?
In addition be on the lookout for me probably streaming tonight with my doll now that I'm allowed to.
Which I guess leads to another question
Do you find my doll to be cute or creepy, and would you rather see less of her or more of her? She is soon going to have a non-human makeover because she was once modded to look like a succubus.
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Sophomore"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Porn Buff "
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Prophet"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Prince"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Duke"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "The Squire"
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AYO! Custom Video menu coming soon!

And to complete it, I need YOUR input so nobody gets left out. So let's see them freak flags fly, whaddaya need your favorite man-with-breasts to do?
  • 2
Vor 7 Monaten
love your videos, would defiinetly love to suck on your clit and lick that pussy
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Vor 1 Jahr
Clit penetration w a person or toy, u receiving oral
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
-Leggings -pissing -squirting
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Uh, just because I get asked this a lot: Im not a squirter unless Im pegging.  Outside of using my strapon, I cant do it. I tried everything from GSpot toys to jacking my clit and more. The only thing that makes me squirt is being ridden while Im wearing my BBC, and using my love doll [my actual privateuse love doll, not seen in videos because I dont want to get cancelled due to how she looks] . So my bad. If it balances things out though, I AM multiorgasmic. Meaning the nuts never stop and the orgasms only climb and climb with no plateau or getting tired after. And of course, as you have probably seen, I can mindbreak myself if I keep going. And if youre the type who's all "bUt I wAnT tO kNoW yOu FeEl GoOd", my strapons go in my pussy to be held by my inner muscles instead of a harness as I only use strapless ones. So Im having a "rEaL" orgasm from my pussy when I use my straps. And, buddy. Pal. Bro. My sibling in Christ. My nigga. My friend. If a woman cumming from her dicklit, her GSpot, having a phantom cockgasm and emotional gratification ALL AT ONCE while screaming loud enough to shatter glass doesn't strike you as "cumming hard" because you're psychologically dependent on seeing liquid spray out of a girl's pussy in order to comprehend that she's feeling pleasure "fOr ReAl ThO", then I don't know how to help you. I can piss myself on and pretend I'm squirting if I want, but I prefer to keep it real and keep it 100. And that means not pretending to do shit I cant, and not faking orgasms. Maybe Ill fuck my doll oncam, and I DO plan on it, but once Im feeling better than I do right now, and once Ive done enough maint work on my doll's new bod plus breaking her new pussy in. But yeah Cant squirt rn, sorry not sorry.
  • 6
Vor 1 Jahr
Keeping it 100 with no faking for the win! Love your honesty and realness, I'm tired of this squirting phenomenon passing as an orgasm. I understand completely that some women do squirt during orgasm. But some women go overboard. So again thank you 🙏🏿
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Hey y'all I don't think there can be a second part to today's screen.

Some bullshit happened IRL and now needs all of my attention. Thank you all for being so patient
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ya boi with another stre- well, -A- STREAM this afternoon.

And yes, there IS still the chance to both FULLY UNCLOTHE and FULLY UNMASK me and see my face! The last stream was so short because I'd taken edibles that were too strong for me. My mistake. However, I'm fine right now and aim to stream beginning 1PM CST tooooooooo midnight, maybe longer, who knows? I might even start gaming right there.
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Stream's uip :
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 Stream begins in an hour.
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