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Nina Hartley

Nina Hartley

Geburtstag: 1959-03-11
Geburtsort: Berkley, California, United States of America
Größe: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
Gewicht: 130 lbs (59 kg)
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Alle Kommentare (197)

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Vor 10 Jahren
She still has a fantastic ass.
Vor 9 Jahren
I Won't Ever Argue With You There! 
Vor 9 Jahren
Nina is number 1 in my top 10 dream list. Besides, she seems to be one of the intelligent women in the business. Every co-star is inspired to be their best. She owns her audience, and commands you to desire her. She will never see this, but she is my favorite, period. My dream fuck.. Wow, gotta watch some her videos now. LOL
Vor 3 Jahren
Wow yeah....
Vor 7 Jahren
Top 10? It's Nina, or nobody.
Vor 10 Jahren
one of my favorite mature pornstars, love your lesbian videos.
Vor 4 Jahren
Hey Nina, just washed my face so you could have a sanitized place to sit.
Vor 7 Jahren
Ahh Miss NiNA..The luvin I would give to you MaMa!!I've been loving you since I'm 13(I'm 40 now lol)and you've Always gotten me off you sexy thing.ide love you fukin stick my tongue down your throat for a long while then throw in my long hard cock into your sweet fukin wet (sweet tasting I'm sure)pussy of yours till we BOTH came hard!then I would tell you I love you and kiss u goodbye XO MiTch
Vor 10 Jahren
fucking hot
Vor 4 Jahren
I would love to eat your pussy Nina Hartley
Vor 8 Jahren
She is my dream fuck, I am completely messy eater,... Of her pussy. And she has a ass that won't quit.
Vor 10 Jahren
one of my Fantasy fucks.
Vor 10 Jahren
love you forever
Vor 10 Jahren
Wonder Full Hot And Just Plain AMAZING WOMAN!
Vor 10 Jahren
You got a perfect body
Vor 3 Jahren
All porn and sex aside. Miss Nina Hartley is an inspiration. Without her being who she is I would never feel as confident as I do being Bisexual and with my body despite the mess I have endured sexually. Nina you may never see this but thank you. Thank you for showing a shy, timid, unconfident female what it is to truly know thy self.. Please continue to do you. And hopefully someday we can meet in person so I can thank you in person.
Vor 3 Jahren
She seems to get sexier with age
Vor 7 Jahren
I love her so much that i'll fuck her anytime
Vor 7 Jahren
I love your sexy feet
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
Was a fan of hers even before I started watching hardcore.  Used to love to see her on talk shows in the 80s/90s.
Vor 8 Jahren
Fat ass tho
Vor 9 Jahren
I love Nina ....
Vor 9 Jahren
yet another queen in her own right, and one whom I have a lot of respect for
Vor 9 Jahren
I would love to do a video with you and stretch you open with this wood!!
Vor 9 Jahren
of the most beautiful ladies i have become afan are a awsome women who i love to let peg mw slave me or just do what you want with me.
Vor 3 Jahren
God, no 🤢
Vor 1 Monat
Such a good looking woman
Vor 1 Monat
Hey how are you. I live in Florida, and I came upon your page. I make content too, and I would love to collab with you. Maybe do a crossover. I think that be different right? Comic book characters crossover why not content creators crossover with one another. Anyway thanks for taking time to read.
Vor 3 Monaten
My dream girl i never wanted any woman the way I want her she is a beautiful goddess in my eyes
Vor 10 Monaten
She could be my soul mate maybe
Vor 11 Monaten
You wanna get married
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Nina, may I meet you?
Vor 1 Jahr
I have been getting off watching your videos for years and wish I could somehow end up being the lucky fan fucking you in a video.
Vor 1 Jahr
I have watched from "Educating Nina" on to your latest with Savannah, and have truly enjoyed everything I have seen. Thank you so much for everything you do for us!
Vor 1 Jahr
How is Miss Nina more beautiful today than she was 40 years ago?
Vor 1 Jahr
Just saying hello to a bomb ass girl, giving my crush a solid 10 in recent times!💓
Vor 2 Jahren
Legendary Lady!!! She paved the road for all the successful ones’ that made it into the industry… Trailblazing Still!!! I’m 2023’
Vor 2 Jahren
I wish I found you sooner, actually if I’m wishing for anything is for a few nights with you
Vor 2 Jahren
I’m your trans lookalike darling and a big fan!
Vor 2 Jahren
!!! th you . anytime 🙂
Vor 2 Jahren
I saw Nina Hartley on last week. She was only their for a short while. When I went too look for her, she was gone. Damn, missed my chance for a private session with a legend.
Vor 2 Jahren
I krow I have lived long enough to see stars cum and go. Some were intelligent some were not. Some had long careers and some didn't. Nina has been there all through my life. (Same age) Always smart, lovely and not fooled by the business in the least. If you read Lisa Anns' first book she writes about how she wanted to represent Nina and wanted to double her fee. Nina would have none of it. Why? She didn't want to price her out of work because she does this because she loves the work.
Vor 2 Jahren
Happy belated BDay Ms. Hartley.
Vor 3 Jahren
Vor 3 Jahren
Still one of the sexiest women in porn! Love your latest VR porn.
Vor 3 Jahren
What I would t give to hear you say “oh, fuck yes!” While I’m deep inside you.. xx
Vor 3 Jahren
I want you sooo bad
Vor 3 Jahren
I relly like her ass
Vor 3 Jahren
I would love for her to feel my doggystyle one time
Vor 3 Jahren
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
Favorite old Skool spunk met her back in the 90s a ces along with a ton more
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
I wish I could meet you
Vor 4 Jahren
Such a beautiful woman would love to be in one of your videos.
Vor 4 Jahren
today is birthday
Vor 4 Jahren
I wish to fuck her
Vor 4 Jahren
one of my favorite mature pornstars
Vor 4 Jahren
Unsurpassed in passion and technique. A legend for a reason.
Vor 4 Jahren
If I ever had chance to spend some time with her I would in a heartbeat.
Vor 4 Jahren
I would love to be able get my dick enlarged the safest way possible.
Vor 4 Jahren
I have been a fan of hers since I was a teen I have jacked off to a lot of her videos.
Vor 4 Jahren
Fuck her pussy to death!
Vor 4 Jahren
i love your work Nina so sexy x
Vor 4 Jahren
When we fucking
Vor 4 Jahren
i would love to do a fan scene with you Nina
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
I've had a hard on for her for 40 years and she still has the best looking ass on any white girl. This lady is legendary hot.
Vor 4 Jahren
She is still gorgeous and Nina would be fun to be with for a night
Vor 4 Jahren
❤ from Paris
Vor 4 Jahren
Damn baby... I would love to fuck you so good Nina Hartley
Vor 4 Jahren
Dam... I would love to fuck you Nina Hartley
Vor 4 Jahren
I see quite a few older guys in porn. Is there a way to try out for it from somebody like me from in this case Kentucky? I would really appreciate a response. I figured you were as good as anybody to ask. Looking forward to your reply. I've been a fan for years. I've had many an orgasm thanks to you. Thank you for that. Best wishes. It would be an honor to get off with you in person. I bet your pussy taste great. Yum, yum!!! I'm serious.
Vor 4 Jahren
Vor 4 Jahren
still sexy after all these years
Vor 4 Jahren
Smoking hot gilf. Nina you can ride my dick any time
Vor 4 Jahren
A true Icon. We love her
Vor 4 Jahren
Hello Nina, I am delighted to greet you, I have seen many of your movies and I love to see all your beautiful body, I love to see you fuck and even more when I see your beautiful and delicious feet, your pussy, your ass, your tits, your face, you are all a Goddess. What a shame not to feel, smell and kiss you. A sweet kiss from Alicante - Spain.
Vor 4 Jahren
You are the best porn star ever. You truly enjoy sex and I'm grateful for your work, Thank you. By the way you are hotter as you age. Please don't ever quit. The perfect woman ever.
Vor 4 Jahren
Nina is my longest running fantasy. I love you Nina you are amazing.
Vor 4 Jahren
Wszystkiego najlepszego Nina ❤
Vor 5 Jahren
I need her in my life
Vor 5 Jahren
Nina, don't know if you come on here and read the post, but I have been watching you from very early in your career. What a beautiful and sexy lady you are. I love your scenes. Why some of your "enthusiasm may be acting, I think a lot of it is just you enjoying yourself and I love it. I would love the opportunity to pleasure you, either in front of a camera or in private. That would be a highlight of my life. BTW, before I forget, have a very Happy 61st Birthday.
Vor 5 Jahren
Nina, you are a very sexy lady. I have been enjoying your scenes since back in the 70's. You have always been one of my favorites. I would love to spend some time with you either on set or just together pleasuring each other.
Vor 5 Jahren
She makes me wanna pull down my ants and tickle my dick til I cumTICKLE, TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE,..................................
Vor 5 Jahren
I'd love to worship you
Vor 5 Jahren
She is sooo great and also the best ASS in the business
Vor 5 Jahren
Its hard to decide which is nicer, her ass or that brain she"s packin'
Vor 5 Jahren
this goddess can sure take a picture
Vor 5 Jahren
Geiles stuck
Vor 5 Jahren
I don't care how many cocks. I would eat that pussy all day
Vor 5 Jahren
Very beautiful !!! Beautiful eroticism of body. Lovely pussy. Marek
Vor 5 Jahren
I met her once! Very nice lady, very personable. Still got it goin' on.
Vor 5 Jahren
Hey! Do not miss my videos, watch them, enjoy them, share them, give me many likes, mark them as favorites and subscribe to my channel. Videos and new photos every month, are you going to miss it? You can also find me on Chaturbate. so you can have a good time and have fun with me live.
Vor 5 Jahren
Overrated, if you are not aging well maybe move on from porn at 40.
Vor 5 Jahren
Some of my best cum shots came while watching her videos 🤩🤩
Vor 5 Jahren
Nina I want to with you so bad
Vor 5 Jahren
I want to fuck get like this comment so I could have her ride this
Vor 5 Jahren
I love this woman she is so perfect in every way I can only imagine how good it would feel to be with here thanks for the fantasies beautiful
Vor 5 Jahren
She is my favorite I fantasize about her cant even count the times I have masturbated to her vids she is so beautiful my dream girl I could only have sex with one woman for the rest of my life it would be her I would give it to her every day anytime she wanted it
Vor 5 Jahren
Possibly the greatest, ever. Real passion for her work, amazing technique, and a knockout body. Combined with her never quit mindset, she is a TRUE GILF m/
Vor 5 Jahren
Vor 6 Jahren
Wow!! GOAT!!
Vor 6 Jahren
Would love to meet Mrs Hartley in person.
Vor 6 Jahren
Let me fuck your throat
Vor 6 Jahren
Nina sexy freaky milf would love to do her
Vor 6 Jahren
I love age mature porn.
Vor 6 Jahren
I would like to see you one day. You are my idol since from ever
Vor 6 Jahren
Nina, I see you 60th birthday is coming up in March.  You should let me give you a birthday tongue lashing and orgasm for your birthday.
Vor 6 Jahren
I appreciate you so much you naughty arousing gal
Vor 6 Jahren
everybody wants to fuck Nina Hartley!
Vor 6 Jahren
Nina, You hot, sexy lady.  I have had to the hots for you since the 70's.  I still have some VHS tapes of you.  I would love to go to bed with you.  That would be the highlight of my life.  My wife and I are swinger, so if you want to bring you husband along, we could have a great time.
Vor 6 Jahren
She's so f****** hot for an old lady wow I would do her in their 90's
Vor 6 Jahren
Grant this fan a day with my #1 pornstar.
Vor 6 Jahren
Would love a picture of you and Agness together. Non sexual and fully clothed would be fine.
Vor 6 Jahren
i will be the fisrt to say that you turn me on your vids are the best for a woman of your rather do you myself just like the one vid i was watching and you suck real good down it goes i dream about you doing me  
Vor 6 Jahren
wish I could eat your ass. You are the best!
Vor 6 Jahren
Trust me trust me trust young self wants to do videos with you I admire you and the dedication you put into making sure people have a great sexual experience. I fucking love you
Vor 6 Jahren
would love you to suck my dick till i come down your throat and let you drain me of everything....
Vor 6 Jahren
you are the sexiest woman that can suck a man off would you do me i would love to get between you legs when you come breakfast of champs
Vor 6 Jahren
Nina greatest porn star of all time. Still hot AF!
Vor 6 Jahren
I saw you at Gelsons reading Vanity Fair in the checkout line. I wanted to come over to you and masturbate on you
Vor 6 Jahren
What I would give to have you fuck me, make me come. You are so hot and I would love some girl on girl with you, especially if you wear a strap on.
Vor 6 Jahren
You have always been one of my favorites for many years.  Some of the first porn I ever watched had you in it.  I have always wanted to have sex with you.  You are so hot and while some of it may be acting, you do seem to really enjoy a good fuck.
Vor 6 Jahren
Lets meet and fuck sometime!  You still got it going on!!
Vor 6 Jahren
I would love to be in one of her videos ! Message me Nina I would like to work with you.
Vor 6 Jahren
hello natural beauty, yrs older than me but ill marry you in a heartbeat your body is very sexy and amazing perfect. im so hard your worth every penny.
Vor 6 Jahren
You are a 9.5 at least  I wanted to love you back in the 70's still do now.
Vor 6 Jahren
Vor 7 Jahren
She's the best.
Vor 7 Jahren
Vor 7 Jahren
what a lady!!!!
Vor 7 Jahren
Love Nina!!! 
Vor 7 Jahren
Much love from Ontario,Canada XO
Vor 7 Jahren
My favorite milf, I want to do a video with you and enjoy that moment message me babe
Vor 7 Jahren
Nina forever...
Vor 7 Jahren
I´m your fan!!! Like you very much!! you're very sexy...i dhave a dream that is to are with you....
Vor 7 Jahren
Nina, best of the best. I just love her. 
Vor 7 Jahren
You have one of the best bodies I have seen. I can't wait to see more of your new work that is coming you are so hot
Vor 7 Jahren
Nina you sexy lady x
Vor 7 Jahren
Nina, you are the hottest star of them all!
Vor 7 Jahren
One of the 1st porn stars I ever saw. She is the best. LOVE THIS WOMAN.
Vor 7 Jahren
Inbox me let's link up for business sexy I'll love to pound ten inches deep in you babe
Vor 7 Jahren
Love you Nina......
Vor 7 Jahren
i am young stud and would love to make a smoking hot vid with u anytime i will send u a pic   let me know u got me ready to blow again
Vor 7 Jahren
I would love to feel those legs around my face sometime. If at all possible
Vor 7 Jahren
You are on my bucket list if there was any chance at all to spend a night with you I would jump on it. You are a true legend in my book and hot as hell still to this day. You and tori wells are hands down the hottest porn stars in my book,and you both are on my bucket list.
Vor 7 Jahren
Nina, you are both my wife and I's dream fuck.  Both of our first masturbation/orgasm experiences were to one of your scenes.  You were gorgeous when you first got on the scene, and you are even more beautiful now.
Vor 7 Jahren
I'd fuck her!
Vor 7 Jahren
Number 1 for me, look her age and her body simply amazing!! Love you Nina!!
Vor 7 Jahren
I would love to film a taboo seen with you. Is my all time fantasy
Vor 8 Jahren
Ms. Hartley, I love your work. I remember watching you, before I was technically allowed to watch porn,(horny teenager 🙂 ). Then again after time spent in the U.S. Military. I purchased Wall-To-Wall Skin. Superb performance, job well done.
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
One of my long time favs . She knows her shit and how to work a man. Hope to work with her one day
Vor 8 Jahren
The best milf in the game for sure.
Vor 8 Jahren
Grrrrrr ♥
Vor 8 Jahren
Nina is always there. sure I've followed others. but no one surpasses Nina's sexiness, and joy of what she does.
Vor 8 Jahren
I think Nina Hartley is the Queen of horn....I would love to nurse her tits, suck on her clitty and tongue fuck her ass hole.
Vor 8 Jahren
She gets hotter as she ages.  Pity she almost never does completely naked and barefoot fucking.
Vor 8 Jahren
You have been giving me orgasms for 30+ years. My cock has always craved that wonderful ass!
Vor 8 Jahren
I love you Nina! Always have, sweetheart... 🙂
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
I used to have a VHS tape of Nina Hartley in " I've never done this before! ", Mummy Dearest 1,2 and 3. Wanked so MANY times that cunney of hers !! To me she is the current reigning empress of Porn .
Vor 8 Jahren
one of the best all times, absolutely beautiful smoking hot, amazing ass top 10 no doubt.  I LOVE NINA YOU'RE THE BEST.
Vor 8 Jahren
We should fuck sometime
Vor 8 Jahren
Id love my cock sucked by you mrs.nina
Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
I adore you
Vor 8 Jahren
i want to be a porn star someone help me !!!
Vor 8 Jahren
Nina your stunning babe, id love to fuck your sexy hot pussy - do you fuck fans? X
Vor 8 Jahren
I would love to be fucking her
Vor 8 Jahren
One of my favorite adult movie stars. Right up there with Sharon Mitchell. Nina! You have made my Johnson Jolly for a many of years. Would not mind doing for you what you have done for all of us. Orgasms! 
Vor 9 Jahren
You are such an attractive woman and I'd looooooove to meet you...
Vor 9 Jahren
She's a Godess
Vor 9 Jahren
if you would be my mom i would fuck you...
Vor 9 Jahren
Nina's always been hot.  I creamed my pants watching her back in the 70's.
Vor 9 Jahren
Très belle!
Vor 9 Jahren
I wonder what kind of conversations I could have with her
Vor 9 Jahren
Can we make a video!? Inbox me 😉)
Vor 9 Jahren
love that nina Hartley 🙂
Vor 9 Jahren
Vor 9 Jahren
I love you nina you are very hot and you sur could fuck. Nikea,
Vor 9 Jahren
A wonderfull sexy woman with a great ass she may be old but she still makes me hard and i'd love to make sweet love to her.
Vor 9 Jahren
This is the woman who made me love porn. A true artist.
Vor 9 Jahren
i love you Nina, my dick is just for you. kiss from France
Vor 9 Jahren
I just got a fleshlight with your picture and name on the box! Your amazing and beautiful! I love you!
Vor 9 Jahren
Your the best an I would marry you
Vor 9 Jahren
Would love to have sex with Nina she still hot
Vor 10 Jahren
Can you post a pic to me would make my day
Vor 10 Jahren
I love her ass
Vor 10 Jahren
*Bows before the Queen!* None have powered through the adult industry longer and still remains as relevant (especially in today's times) like Nina Hartley. The new competition is fierce but Nina has something most don't have and will have to earn with experience and major on-screen/film time, plus Nina knows exactly what to do with a cock and could talk any dick into a bone hard on and./or make the straightest pussy turn moist/wet via her seasoned and sex-provoking role play! #FapFapFap #Squirt
Vor 10 Jahren
There is nothing I wouldn't give for just one night. You're amazing to watch. Every scene. Boner.
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