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Sade Viscaria
Sade Viscaria

Sade Viscaria

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Über Sade Viscaria
My fully detailed biography can be found here on FetLife - you can visit and read more about me by going to My pronouns are she/her/they/them and I'm identified as a genderqueer/trans woman. I've already had one surgery and awaiting 3 more surgeries. I live my life on the road so I travel quite a lot (due to the fact that affordable housing is hard to find nowadays) but I have no regrets about how I live my life. I live at the speed of my mind, and I love with the strength of my heart. I'm happier than I've ever been but only because I know where I have been. Namaste and May the Kink Be with You, Sade Viscaria.
Beziehungsstatus: Offen
Interessiert an: Frauen
Stadt und Land: Burlington, US
Pornostar Profilaufrufe: 12,228
Karrierestatus: Aktiv
Karrierestart und -ende: 2008 an Geschenk
Geschlecht: Trans Frau
Sternzeichen: Scorpio
Maße: 40DD-38-38
Größe: 5 ft 11 in (180 cm)
Gewicht: 265 lbs (120 kg)
Ethnie: White
Hintergrund: American
Haarfarbe: Other
Augenfarbe: Blue
Falsche Brüste: Yes
Tattoos: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Interessen und Hobbies: Making art/music, writing poetry/short stories/novels, producing/directing indie films outside of porn/sex work (like horror films, action/adventure films, comedy films, romantic comedy films, drama films, etc.), acting/modeling, Goth/Grunge/Punk culture, Deaf culture, BDSM, hiking, swimming, video games, reading a book or a few at a time, paintball war games (I love to shoot my paintball guns!), zip line tours/bungee jumping, camping and photography, just to name a few.
Anturner: BDSM, being wooed with gifts and romantic dinner dates, trans-inclusive allies, creative/artistic folks, wanderlust souls, people who love sex workers/porn performers, playing video games with me (even if we're both naked), girls and trans girls who play video games, Netflix and cuddles, Chinese food, Pizza, communicating in sign language while having sex or while having some fun BDSM scenes (I'm Deaf and proud of it!), and most of all, honest/decent/honorable/big-hearted type of people. And did I mention that I LOVE INTROVERTS?!?! I'm a introvert spoonie too, so we should hang out or something.
Abturner: Dishonest people/liars, cis men, transphobes, , Trump supporters, Hilary Clinton supporters (I'm a Independent Progressive Socialist and never voted Democrat or Republican) and anyone who's anti-sex work or is supporting SESTA/FOSTA. I'm a sex worker, so fuck off with your slut-shaming and whorephobia. I do not tolerate racism, sexism, misogyny, transmisogyny, fat-shaming, etc. and any/all discrimination of any type, including ableism. I also hate , TERFs, SWERFs, etc., with a burning passion. We're human beings and we deserve the love, respect and kindness/support that people should give on a daily basis. Sex work is work, so put up or shut up.
Profilansichten: 20.615
Angesehene Videos: 4

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Plans for the rest of 2019 and Farewell Tour in 2019

So you're all wondering what's happening with me as of late. And here's the official updates: 1. I am working on some final productions before December 2018 rolls around, so there will be brand new videos. I'm also releasing new videos that I never released before that was shot earlier last year and earlier this year from February/March 2018, so there's that. Keep in mind that some of the videos that I did from last year and from Feb/March 2018 doesn't have a lot of sound, so I'm thinking of doing something a little different with them soon. Maybe do like a cool, short remix video or something. I'll figure it out. Anyways, that being said, let's move on to the next update... 2. I am also scheduled to do limited bookings to do a few more shoots in 2019, attending 2 porn conventions and 2 or 3 major BDSM events, then after that, I'm pretty much on hiatus. It's been a long time coming, given my in the porn and sex work industry [I started out as a stripper then worked my way up to webcamming and indie porn productions], and I need a break. It's been a rough summer this year, and I feel with this hiatus, I can truly rejuvenate myself and come back stronger, healthier and better than ever. This hiatus is going to start slowly then gradually during my farewell tour, then after that, I'm permanently on hiatus for the next 3-, and will return to sex work/porn probably around 2024, depending on my current projects/ventures that I plan on pursuing outside of porn/sex work, plus finishing up my gender transition.  I have a breast surgery consult, an Facial Feminization Surgery consult and a vaginoplasty consult coming up, and I'm excited about that! 3. I'm wanting to finish up on my art/music/writing projects, and doing more podcast episodes, more vlogging/blogging and other cool stuff that I've been working on, so I'm glad that this hiatus from porn/sex work will allow me to focus on that. It's been a long time coming, and I think my fans outside of porn/sex work deserve to see what I've been working on with those cool art/music/writing, etc. projects, since they've been waiting patiently for a few years now, so I'm moving on. I will continue to promote my content on Clips4Sale, ManyVids, AmateurPorn and iWantClips, as well here on PornHub/ModelHub, but keep in mind that the new productions that I've been working on that's slated to have a Winter release date in late 2018/early 2019 will be released on Clips4Sale, ManyVids, AmateurPorn and iWantClips first, then finally released on PornHub/ModelHub. The only difference is that on Porn/Hub/ModelHub, all video downloads here are very affordable, and it's only $10 or less. Some are even $5! My other clip stores are way more pricier so you should be thankful that I am selling my videos here at much more affordable prices, because I work hard at producing and creating the content that I'm passionate about, plus it costs a lot of money to rent a dungeon or studio space, to pay models/performers, and to get paid for the work that I do as well. Nothing that I do is free, so don't ask me to offer my services for free. Your free streaming porn habits ends up making money in my pockets anyways via PornHub's streaming revenue program, so ha! You can't pirate my porn anyways, because I uploaded it here with my watermarks, so I win. 4. I'm also recently recovering from surgery that I had to remove the thyroid cancer in my right thyroid glands, so I'll be resuming the aforementioned final productions starting October 2018 and ending on December 2018. Then I'll do a few more productions in 2019, and spending a lot of time in Vermont, Canada and Europe, with occasional and limited/rare trips to California, the Southwestern United States [Nevada/New Mexico/Arizona], and the Pacific Northwest as well as Colorado. Chances 'll be relocating permanently to Canada or Europe and resume shooting productions there for good, depending on negotiations with a few friends of mine in the sex work/porn industry that I've been talking with about future production plans and relocation. Who knows? I'll keep you posted on those plans when new information is available to share and be officially released to you all so that you know what's happening when it's happening. That's all for now, and I look forward to sharing more with you all soon again in a few weeks. Namaste and May the Kink Be with You, Delirium Sade.
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