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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenI do have a real pic. You have to be my friend to see it though. If you want to know the real me, I'm basically just an all around geek who's really into Star Wars and anime. Sexually speaking, I'm a bottom and I have an insanely high sex drive so I watch a lot of porn to help me calm down. so... yea. keepin' it clean ya know what I mean? if you wanna get at me follow me on twitter/tumblr - SanJody69 or get at me on Path. I am on the down but that's personal reasons. When you get to know me you'll know that even though I have a healthy sexual appetite, the actual attraction for me runs deeper than just looks. Looks fade. When looks are gone, what's left? I need someone with depth. Whether or not you're looking for a relationship, cause I'm not looking. I'm looking for a friend first and fuck buddy second. Friends are with you til the end. I'm also not a jealous guy and I don't play games. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I don't beat around the bush, so please don't do it with me. Ps. Not a slut.
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